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The door slams shut, we all know it's Liam.

Liam went to get Tee. I figured Tee would be the closest thing to home.

I walk up to the door, passing Niall, and Liam gives me a faint smile. The room is stale and cold. It's hard for people to love when you're struggling to find love yourself.

I look to his hands by his stomach and Tee is there in my hoodie. I take Tee from Liam and hug the cat, letting the thing go to wander. I redirect my attention the Liam again who hasn't left his spot. I purse my lips for a moment. "Thanks, man."

"Harry." I hear a burst of an Irish accent come from behind. Niall's been off. We all have.

I turn around and he's looking at anything but me. My eyebrows knit together as I suppose he musters the courage to speak.

"It was me, okay?" He says and my mouth gapes open. Something inside me already knows what he's going to say but I try to ingore the feeling.

It goes silent for a moment. The only thing making noise is the news show in the background.

"I bought my phone. It was an accident I promise. I didn't know... not until it was taken from me.  Harry I'm sorr-"

"It was you." Is all I say to him. "It was you." I say in an angrier tone. Something in me begins to boil. He is the reason she's not here, the reason she is being tortured. Him.

I raise my hand to punch him, he doesn't flinch, as if he saw it coming. Before my fist met his face, Louis stops me.

"Whoa, Harry, Hazel's on the TV." He says and all our eyes snap to the telly. I almost forget about any anger, all of it just evaporates.

"Hazel Woods is the face of a new makeup brand 'plaisante'." Some pictures of Hazel shows on the screen. It's Hazel but it isn't. It's so different. Like a shell. Her smile is fabricated. Everything that makes Hazel Hazel is just not there. As if she's lost.

My baby is lost.

"She will on the Tonight Show with James Soupart on the sixth of September to debut the brand."

We all walk closer to the TV, looking at the pictures of Hazel. "She's going to get papped bad." Louis says and something pings in my mind.

"And we're the paparazzi."

New Angel H.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang