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We start today off with a creepy man walking in a dark broken room with cobwebs all over it as the guy stops in front of a cracked mirror as he smiles crazily, as he sharpens a knife with a file, as some devil horn's for Halloween is hanging from a nail as he continues to sharpen said knife as he stops and begins to get ready.

We start today off with a creepy man walking in a dark broken room with cobwebs all over it as the guy stops in front of a cracked mirror as he smiles crazily, as he sharpens a knife with a file, as some devil horn's for Halloween is hanging from ...

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BOB VELSEB....(Or devil guy.... yeah)

suddenly it transitions to a newspaper being read by Mr. evermore.

Mr.Evermore: Hehe....*WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING!?!

We then see two people across him 

John: you know two officers cant deal with th-

Mr.Evermore: MORE EXCUSES!UGGGHHH....*he clicks a button

as a girl comes in blond hair and some surgical clothing

Patty: uh, what do you need me for mayor.

Mr.evermore: Can you inform them what's going on with this guy.

Patty: their have been eight deaths due to him being out, as all body's were dismembered.*sarcastic*Good job guys. Keep up the good work...

Jack: Is that sarcasm?*Both patty and John look at him like "really?"* what?

Mr.Evermore: *sighs*Every Halloween he kills more people....*we suddenly see Susie closing a door as she locks it then closes a window and then hides under her bed* Its hard to know what is real and what is not.....

Susie:*she sees a silhouette at the door as it stops and continues going as suddenly she lets a breath of relive*phew...*some eyes appeared next to her*A-*bumps her head on the bed* AHH!RahAHH!!*

Mr.evermore: And IF YOU DONT CATCH HIM TONIGHT YOULLBE REPLACED BY THOSE TWO!*Points at a couple of cops as one of them waves happily as the other smiles and takes its sun glasses down*

John: Look sir theirs something going around the City, like some sort of cult going arou-

Mr. Evermore: BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH... I don't care about some imaginary cult john!

John: hey burned down my apartment!

Mr.evermore: YOUR HOUSE IS A FIRE HAZARD... YOULL ALWAYS KEEP THE COFFEE MAKER ON!!*sighs* I want you two to leave and solve this, TONIGHT. NOW LEAVE OUTTA MY SIGHT...*they then leave as they are now in their police cruiser*

Jack: what do we do now?

John: we've Gotta focus on bob or more body's will turn up... 

We then transition again this time we see Lila and crimson asleep as Lila is currently hugging crimson as he head was buried into his chest as suddenly a round silloute happen to be above them both as its then revealed to be Skid


Crimson: Hon, Is he louder every year?

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