"Mahn,you are messed up"

And with that we both burst out into laughter.

This was Cayden. He was among the older teens in the orphanage. He just recently shifted and so his emotions were all over the place.

He was a quiet kid ,a good kid, so when the principal called me this evening to come to his office in the morning because of him, I got concerned,so instead of waiting till morning to find out what happened,I decided to ask him first.

I somehow understood him. He was trying to get the hang of controlling his impulses. If he had a father figure , maybe it would have been easier because I don't know what could possibly be going on in a newly shifted teenage male wolf's mind.

He probably hasn't had the mate talk yet and what if he does actually find a mate. What next?

These were the current stresses I was dealing with.

In about two years, fifty of the kids will be turning eighteen. I needed to think of what would happen next because I couldn't just kick them out and leave them on the streets.

"I'm sorry that you got involved in this Andrea,I know that you're going through alot already because of us"

"Shut up Cayden, I'm trying to think of an alibi "

That seemed to have caught him off guard but I didn't miss to see the small smile that formed on his lips.

"Oh, sorry "

"But why did you have to hit the Delta's son?"

"If I knew he was the Delta's son, I wouldn't have"

"Oh well, the damage is already done I guess"

"You really don't have to defend me tomorrow "

"You're not helping Cayden "

I smiled and that seemed to have done something to him because the next thing I knew it, he was in tears.

He was probably going through a lot these days and he had probably bottled up everything.

I let him cry it all out because I mean, who says that boys can't cry. They too have feelings, but I'm sure unlike girls, not many of them have the opportunity or the free pass to be vulnerable in front of others.

They'd probably be told to man up or suck it up but I for one believe when one wants to cry ,let them cry .

It's okay to not be okay sometimes.

I wish that someone would have told me that. I wish that I had someone who would let me be vulnerable and not judge me for it. Someone who'd be ready to catch me when I fall.

But because I lacked that person,I decided to be that person for these children.

"I'm probably a looser for crying like a child"he said as he wiped his tears

"But you are a child Cayden "

"I don't think my wolf appreciates you calling us a child "

"Well tell your wolf to deal with it then"I smiled

"Thank you Andrea "he said as he stood.

He had to go and train with the warriors.

"For what?"

"For being there, for all of us. I know none of us say it but we really do appreciate you for all you've done for us and we also know about you locking yourself up in this office in order to learn all our names , preferences and schools "

"Cayden "

"Not to mention that you'd always come to school whenever any of us had issues and also to check on our performances in class. "

"It's my job Cayden. I'm like your mom in a way. Wait that means I have over a hundred children and ... Sorry I'm rambling again but,it's my responsibility okay and you all mean so much to me so if you ever feel like it's too much. Just come. I'll make you some nice chocolate tea and you can cry as much as you want"

"On behalf of every child and teen, I just want to tell you that we love you okay Andy"

"Oh stop"I smiled

"You need to get going otherwise you'll get late for practice "

I watched as he left and crushed on my armchair.

A difference.

That is what I wanted to make in these children's lives

I just hoped that I'd be able to do so before shit starts happening

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