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/// Party Appointments ///



"Gavin!" I jumped from my seat instantly hearing my name being called out of nowhere.

I did a mid-salute despite being a little disoriented from my surroundings, "Sir!" I said.

Mr. Kent, my history teacher seemed to be the one who called my name and his expression screamed that he is far from pleased.

"Mr. Carter, you seemed to be too relaxed so I expect you to make a report on the Indian Family next meeting," he said knowingly.

"If it's Indian, can't you assign someone from India instead? Like Terr?" I suggested pointing at Terr who was three chairs in front of me.

Mr. Kent looked at Terr for a second before going back to me, "It would be a waste of time if I do so, you wouldn't learn a thing."

"I don't see why I should report on this when I merely slept in class."

He sighed in obvious frustration, "I am your history teacher not your physical Education teacher, and It's for you to learn not to sleep in my class," He replied just in time for the bell to ring.

People immediately got out of their seats and exited the room, Mr. Kent suddenly became air and became invisible to the people but me.

He walked back to his desk fixing his stuff, "Sir wait!" I said impatiently.

"I just don't get it why I should report on something I have no prior knowledge about, if you need me to report on my sleeping –I'd be really willing to because I totally don't get the point in this. I am clearly wasting my time to report," I saw his expression turned to neutral to amused.

He was smirking at me.

He walked towards me his stature was still shorter and less built than mine, but the fact that he was older than I was, plus is my teacher intimidated me making me take a few steps back.

"I got to take it to you son, you got guts to sleep in my lectures..." He said which made me give him a fake laugh as if he said the greatest joke in the century... He didn't even try.

"I wasn't sleeping intentionally I was just really tired, I am really sorry. Will you consider changing my report instead?" it was his turn to life as I returned him another joke.

"Listen, Gavin. I don't want you to show me rebelliousness ok? I hate that... I was this close to throwing the damn eraser on your head or my briefcase," he said showing the distance his thumb and index finger was....

It was really close together... The distance almost couldn't be seen at all.

Still in my thoughts gave him time to walk a few distances away from me before I realized I was close to being killed.

"Sir! Does that mean I still need to report on that Indian Family thing? Or did you consider the topic I gave you?"

Being the cool middle-aged married man he was, he turned to look at me and gave me the 'fuck you' sign to me and left. I sighed as I exited the room with heavy hearts.

I came to my locker to see that it was preoccupied by a couple of teenaged idiots heavily making out in broad daylight with no care in the world.

I coughed loudly in order for them to break apart just a bit in order for them to acknowledge my presence, "Hey!" the girl greeted as she pulled apart from her boyfriend, her smile reaching from ear to ear as usual.

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