(3) The ENDLESS FIELD, Orchids, and A Promise

Start from the beginning

SUNNY: "The.. flowers?" He was lost at this explanation, thinking on it for a moment before his eye opened wider. "White Egret Orchids... BASIL... told me something about them a long time ago. Like... giving your thoughts to dreams, I...I think? But... how could you have seen me? Whot are you... What is this place?" He looked around confused.

OTHER SUNNY rubbed his neck, laughing as SUNNY asked all the important questions. Clearing his throat, he sat on the grass and patted next to him, a welcoming, soft smile on as he look towards him.

SUNNY had concern in his eye as he looked at his other self, turning around and seeing "MARI" still staring at him, it's smile having gotten smaller as it tilted its head at him. Almost like it was questioning him... why he wasn't coming to his "sister". SUNNY took a deep breath in, and sat down next to him... "MARI'S" arms curling, snapping as it's neck jerked slightly, the crackling growing louder...

OTHER SUNNY: He gave a long exhale. "Well... I can't... really beat around the bush with this..." Looking at SUNNY, he closed his eye and gave a light chuckle through his nostrils. "I'm... you... or at least... a version of you?" He looked to SUNNY who was...even more confused after hearing that.

SUNNY: "Another... version of me? What are you talking about? How is that even..." He frowned a bit and pulled his knees closer to him, wrapping his arms around his legs as he took all of this in. "... How... What made you think that? How do I know I'm not dreaming or... hallucinating or something?"

OTHER SUNNY: Sitting with his legs crossed, he leaned against his arms, taking a deep breath and sighing. "Well... Our friends- uh, your version of them, left you White Orchids for you in your room. I was already here, in this... ENDLESS FIELD, just as lost as you were. But then, I... I heard them-"

SUNNY tilted his head slightly when he heard him, his disbelief turning to curiosity. He found himself unwinding, sprawling his legs out slowly as he listened to his other self go on.

OTHER SUNNY: " AUBREY... HERO... KEL... even BASIL. Everyone's voices were so faint, but I didn't stop looking for them. Eventually, I... did find them. But... they weren't MY friends... I saw it all, SUNNY... everything you went through... when I touched your Orchid... Your memories."

SUNNY raised his brows when he heard that, looking towards the field and slowly back to his other self.

SUNNY: "My... Orchid? Memories?" He looked beside him, his hand next to an Orchid as he slowly lifted it, pointing at it meekly. "So... this Orchid... it's a Memory? Is it... safe to even sit next to these then?"

OTHER SUNNY: Chuckled lightly as he touched the petals of the flower, nothing around then changing. "Don't worry, I've tested it, it's safe to touch them. Heck, I even made this-"

He reached beside him, picking up something off the ground as he held up a flower crown. SUNNY saw it and looked around him, seeing no change as he wondered just what this place was. Before he got too lost in thought, he heard his other self move and felt something put on his head.

OTHER SUNNY had put the Orchid Flower Crown on him, smiling with a light laugh. SUNNY looked up at it, slowly touching the flowers again to see if anything would happen. His vision, thoughts, feeling... or lack there of. Nothing changed, and it rose even more questions than answers.

OTHER SUNNY: "Yeah, I don't exactly understand it fully either, but... I do know this. My world... I can't look through the Orchids, I've tried for so long to see if any one of them would react like it did for yours. Like maybe I'd see my world again... my MARI. But... nothing." He let out a quick sigh through his nose, bringing his knees to his chest and hugging them, sniffling once.

SUNNY had actually started to feel bad for his other self, wanting to comfort him but hesitantly raised his hand, closing his fist lightly and looking away for a moment. OTHER SUNNY soon felt him rub his back lightly, patting it as he spoke.

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