Chapter 10

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(A/N it's baaackkk)

Its been a few months since Draco gave me the necklace, a lot of big things happening..

"Avada Kedavra!"
Voldemort was dead, killed by his own rebounding curse.

*24 hours before*

"Draco?" I asked softly.

"Yes love?" He replied.

"Do you think we'll be okay?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"With the fight, you know?" I played with my rings.

"As long as Potter wins, we'll be just fine love. Dumbledore will protect us." He held my hands to him.

"You're right." I smiled nervously.

"Now lets go get breakfast, I'm hungry." He said.

"Yes sir." I giggled.

We walked out his dorm and into the common room.

"Time to choose your side, Voldemort or Potter." Mattheo was talking to some first years.

"Leave the bloody first years out of this Riddle." I scolded.

"Make me whore." He groaned.

"Bloody git." I mumbled, walking out the common room with Draco.

We made our way to The Great Hall with several people talking about the big fight about to happen.

"Can anyone not talk about the bloody fight for fucks sake!" I exclaimed as I sat down.

"Its getting on my nerves." Blaise agreed.

"Dracooo~ come sit next to me." Astoria begged. Draco smirked. He sat next to her and then looked at me signaling for me to go sit on his lap, I did.

"Thanks for letting us sit here Greengrass, its a nice spot." I said.

"I only meant Draco." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry did I not make it clear enough he's MY boyfriend?" I asked.

"But he loves me." She argued.

"And thats why he's dating me?" I asked.

"Its just for sex, obviously." She laughed.

"Obviously not if we only fucked once." I shrugged.

"Only once?" She asked.

"Yep." I smiled.

"Love.." Draco whispered in my ear.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Stop moving so much." He mumbled.

🪄 (slight sexual content)

I giggled at his words, then felt the boner, then his feelings hit me. This boy wanted sex and wanted it bad. I teased him, I started to softly grind on him to make him want more.

"Thea.." He whispered.

"Yes love?" I answered.

"Stop it." He grumbled.

"Why?" I pouted.

"Because if you don't, so help me, I will carry you to my dorm and fuck you till you can't walk." He whispered.

I stopped moving my hips.

"Good girl." He whispered.


We moved to our usual spots and ate.

*1 hour later*

"Draco I need to study." I told him.

"Okay, then go study." He told me.

"Come with me?" I asked.

"Why, you know I don't study love." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at his response.

"What?" He asked.

"Dude she doesn't actually mean study, she means 'study' you dumbass." Blaise laughed.

"What..?" He was lost.

"Oh my-" I stood up and walked off. I went to his dorm and did some actual studying as I waited for him to catch on.

*5 hours later*

The door opened and I saw my blonde haired, blue eyed boyfriend with a very red face.

"Why is your face so red love?" I asked.

"It took me an uncomfortable amount of time to realize what you meant and I only realized because Blaise shouted out 'Dude she means fuck, she wanted to fuck you' I'm so stupid." He groaned.

"Its quite alright. I got some actual studying in." I giggled.

"So do you still wanna? Or is the moment gone?" He laughed.

"I don't know lemme check." I grabbed his tie and pulled him towards me to kiss him.

🪄 (sexual content)

I pulled away from his lips.

"I think I need to check differently." I smiled.

"And how will that be?" He asked.

I placed my lips against his and led one of his hands down my body, all the way to under my skirt.

"Are you sure?" He asked against my lips.

"Yes." I said against his.

He pushed my underwear to the side and ran a finger over my pussy.

"Fuck.." He whispered.

He led that same finger to inside me, he started to finger fuck me.

"Draco~" I moaned.

He stuck another finger in me, and started to rub in my clit with his thumb. He led kisses down my neck, leaving a trail of hickeys.

"Fuck~" I moaned softly.

He never spoke a word the whole time, just pleasuring me. What felt like hours was really only 20, maybe 30 minutes.

*3 hours later*

We laid in bed for hours, cuddling and he played with my hair.

"Love?" He asked.

"Yes?" I responded.

"How much longer?" He asked.

"15 hours." I told him.

"Can we just stay like this til then?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled.

*15 hours later*

"Its time love." I bit my lip nervously.

"I know*

*bit of a time skip*
(A/N i'm way too lazy to type out an entire fight scene, sns)

"Avada Kedavra!"
Voldemort was dead, killed by his own rebounding curse.


its back my lovelies. i don't know how permanent this is, but its back.

i know its mainly sexual stuff, but hey its a new chapter and its something

i hope you enjoyed good night/day/afternoon.

don't forget to vote <3

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