Chapter 8

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"What the bloody hell Thea!" I heard a voice shout at me.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

"If he does something wrong I bloody swear I'm going to murder him." Draco whispered.

"How could you?" Harry cried.

"That's honestly pathetic." I laughed. "You really liked me?" I asked.

"I was in love with you Nott." He mumbled.

"While you were in love with her, I was in her." Draco smirked.

"Draco!" I exclaimed.

"So thats why you missed our date last night?" He scoffed. "I might as well just tell Dumbledore then."

"There's honestly no point in telling him Potter, one wrong move and its over." I laughed.

"Yeah right, we both know your true thinking." He said.

"Oh really now? Then what am I thinking righht now?" I asked.

"You're just with Draco to be protected." Harry smirked.

"Thats it? Really, damn you're terrible at reading minds." I giggled, Draco wrapped his arms around me and started to kiss my neck.

"Dracoo, that tickles." I whispered.

"I know, it also does something else." He whispered in my ear.

"You disgust me." Harry scoffed then stormed off.

"He's like a child, right?" I asked.

"Definitely." Draco agreed.

"I can't believe I liked him." I shuddered.

Draco and I walked back to the common room, hand in hand when Dumbledore walked up to us.

"I need to talk to the two of you, in my office, now." He spoke calmly. We both nodded and followed behind him.

"Shit, what did Potter do now?" Draco mumbled.

"I got this, love." I whispered.

Once we got in his office the three of us sat down.

"I'm sure you know why you're here?" He asked.

"No sir we don't." I answered.

"Well because of something Mr. Potter told me." He looked at us.

"And what would that be sir?" I asked.

"That the two of, my star students of Slytherin are death eaters. Now if this is true I would like to hear your side of it." He spoke so calmly.

"It is true sir." I told him. Draco looked shocked.

"We don't want this sir, we were forced. My own mother threatened my life if I didn't become one. I really hate being this thing that I am sir." I felt tears form.

"Here drink this." He handed me a drink and I drank it, Veritaserum.

"What happened again?"

"I just can't believe Harry would tell you after what I told him." I whispered.

"And what did you tell him, word for word."

"You really fucking think we WANT this? Why would we want this for ourselves? Imagine waking up one day and being told when you turn 16 you'll have to become a death eater and go through excruciating pain. Imagine only being 11 and finding out that you're destined to serve Voldemort and knowing that if you don't you'll be murdered." I shouted at him, rolling up my sleeve to show the mark as I started to tear up. "I so totally want this, that's why I tried to carve it off my skin." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks as I pointed to my scars.

"And you Mr. Malfoy?" He asked. Draco rolled up his sleeve and showed his own scars, it hurt to see them and to know we both hurt ourselves and felt each other's pain all this time.

"You're dismissed, take classes off for the next few days." Dumbledore said.

"Yes sir." I nodded. Draco and I both rolled down our sleeves and walked out.

"I love you Thea." Draco whispered at me.

"I love you too Draco." I smiled softly at him.

We, once again, walked hand in hand to the common rooms and actually made it in them this time.

"So it is true!" A high voice shouted.

"Shove off Greengrass you act like we dated." Draco scoffed.

"But we fucked!" She shouted.

"So did we and we were about to go fuck again, but with all these interruptions I don't think we'll be able to." I pouted.

"Oh yes we will." Draco pulled me to him and over his shoulder.

"Draco put me down!" I shouted.

"Nah I think like this view." He laughed. He walked off to his dorm and once we got there he opened the door and tossed me on the bed.

"So are we really going to fuck again or did you just wanna get me excited?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"I guess you'll find out." I giggled.

"Theaa." He practically begged my name.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Tell me the truth of your feelings for me." He said.

"I love you Draco, I've been in love with you for the longest time." I told him.

"Why'd you date Potter?" He asked.

"I'm not sure to be quite honest with you. I never even had feelings for him." I said.

"And Thea?" He asked.

"Yeah Draco?" I responded.

"Are we actually going to fuck or no?" He asked.

"No, I just wanted Greengrass to leave us alone." I laughed.

"But you two actually fucked?" I asked.

"One word. Amortentia." He responded.

"Of course she would use a bloody love potion on you." I rolled my eyes.

"Love.." Draco whispered.

"Yes?" I answered.

"I'm sorry, for everything, for being a dick when you needed me most." Tears formed in his eyes.

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