"So you've been planning this...from the very moment I entrusted you with my heart?! Tell me that's not true...", Cordelia said pleadingly.

"Oh dear, did you only just realize? You're not the one who's been using me all this time...I am the one who's been using you...", Richter said looking at Cordelia.

I snickered lightly, Richter grabbed her; but, before he could sink his fangs into her skin, Ayato showed up.

"I've had it with both of you, would you just shut the hell up already? Get your paws off her, she's mine. You may not touch her without my say so!", Ayato said, glaring at Richter.

I smiled,

this is going to be fun to watch...

Richter grabbed a sword, pointing it at Ayato, "Don't you dare interfere!", he exclaimed before slashing the sword, it thankfully only slashed his tie a bit. I tensed up, clearly invested in the fight.

"Why you...", Ayato started.

"Hey Ayato!", Laito tossed a sword as Ayato caught it swiftly.

"Your free ride is now officially over, Richter! I will make you regret the moment you first entered this house.", Ayato threatened, preparing to fight Richter, but he just laughed,

"What are you going to do about it? You gutless worm.", Richter attacked Ayato once again with the sword as Ayato faught back the best he could. Richter caught Ayato against the wall and stabbed him in the shoulder.

I gasped before gritting my teeth. I wasn't dumb enough to get into this fight, but I was still worried.

Suddenly, I realized Yui's eyes turned the same pink color they always were. Yui pushed herself off of Richter and ran down the stairs in front of everyone, before pulling out Subaru's knife as she held it up to her chest.

I narrowed my eyes staring at her and shaking my head, she just smiled sadly.

"I'm doing this...so no one else will get hurt.", she said before stabbing herself.

"No!", I screamed running over to Yui. Ayato caught her in his arms.

Richter ran over screaming, "Her heart is mine!", but Ayato stabbed him in time, pulling out the sword as the blood gushed out everywhere.

I was holding Yui from the other side, pulling out a cloth and patting it around the wound.

Ayato looked back at Yui, "Hey, open your eyes!", Ayato ordered.

But when they opened Cordelia's were looking back at Ayato.

She laughed slightly, " Only a foolish girl would stab herself. A stupid move like that just makes me laugh. It's just a matter of time before the awakening's complete and she dies for good. And when that time comes, both her body and her very soul will be mine and mine alone until the end of time.", Cordelia finally said, passing out.

I scowled, but looked back at Yui's now weakened state.

"Should I pull the knife out now?", Ayato asked a bit too calmly.

"No, just let me.", Subaru said, before pulling out the dagger, I immediately started applying pressure to the wound making sure no excess blood came out.

"You sure do know how to tend to a wound, despite your age...", Reiji said in a slightly accusing tone.

I just laughed, "Experience.", I huffed, not stopping the pressure on her wound.

I realized, Richter was gone, but so was Laito. I assumed he was taking care of it.

I carried Yui to the couch and we started pondering on how to save her.

My beloved's future ( reader x various ) Diabolik lovers fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя