Stopping in the laundry room to shove her cat fur-covered clothes into the washing machine, she didn't care that she was walking naked through the bowels of the library. There was no one to see her. Standing under the warm spray, she cried for everyone who had been lost to such a stupid thing and wished she was one of them. Taking her antidepressant twelve hours late and a handful of allergy tablets, Babs laid in bed and stared at her TV as it played yet another scenic National Park Tour video. Soon, the medication kicked in and she fell into a deep, dreamless slumber.


Waking in the midafternoon, Babbette went back upstairs to begin collating and binding the information she had printed off the internet. She was almost finished with the blogs reporting how people had frozen the corpses of their loved ones in walk-in coolers or in large chest freezers. She wondered if those who were frozen stayed dead like Bill when the power went off. She wondered if they decayed. She decided she needed to talk to Lionel and the Navy doctors, so she sent him an e-mail.

Dear Lieutenant Lionel T.

I did not believe you when you said there were zombies, but after speaking with your elderly great-grandmother, I now understand. I have also seen the zombies first-hand and how the cats are able to overcome them. I am currently collating and binding as much of the information as I can download and print from posts, blogs, and message board threads local to the greater Baltimore area.

I was wondering if your doctors on the ships had tried freezing those who got sick and died? Your grandmother was very interested in the idea.

I can verify personally that at least one body which was frozen for three weeks before the power turned off, did not revive and is now decaying. There are also several posts that frozen corpses did not revive. I will send you the information.

Dr. Babette Bland

EPFPL Head Librarian

Babs hoped that he would get back to her quickly. If freezing the body's meant that the fungus was killed, there was hope that she could wait until spring before having to travel across the country with Mrs. Thorpe and her clowder of cats. The thought of driving thousands of miles without being able to put down a window in the very nice RV in Mrs. Thorpe's backyard, made her want to sneeze, her skin crawl, and her eyes water.

'It's psychosomatic! Stop it!' She mentally berated herself.

She wondered if there were any way she could talk Mrs. Thorpe into taking a semitruck with a sleeper cab instead of the forty-five-foot-long recreational vehicle. It was a very nice RV with all the modern conveniences. However, Babs knew that it would get very low gas mileage and be very difficult to turn and maneuver if the road became clogged.

Her e-mail chimed and she was surprised at how quickly Lionel got back to her.

Dear Dr. Bland,

Thank you for looking in on my great-grandmother. I apologize for how difficult she can be. Thank you for the information on freezing the bodies of the infected. It is something the naval doctors have not tried yet, but something they'll do as soon as we reach port again and can capture an infected undead person.

How is Theodora?

Lt. Lionel Thorpe

USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)

Babs scowled as she considered how to reply then she decided to be honest.

Dear Lieutenant Lionel Thorpe,

Your great-grandmother is very difficult. She is insisting that I immediately drive her and her clowder of cats across the country to meet you at Kitsap Naval Base, Washington. This is not something I want to do because I am violently allergic to cats, but I realize how important the information she knows about the infection is. I will do my best to get her to you, but I cannot tell you when that will be. I am hoping to convince her to wait until spring. Baltimore is starting to be overrun with those who have died and revived. I was attacked outside her house only yesterday. She is safe and has everything she needs for herself and her cats. I will check on her again later this week.

First 12 Chapters - How I Became A Crazy Cat Lady To Survive A ZombpocalyseWhere stories live. Discover now