Broken Promise

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"Lori no!" Scott yelled and I saw a huge sharp metal arrow fly out immediately hitting Scott and my eyes widened.

"Scott!" I screamed and I immediately sprinted up to him.
He grunted in pain and my hands were shaking as I saw him and I held him tightly as the huge metal pipe was holding him against the wall.

"I'll heal." He mumbled and I placed my hand on his face caressing his cheek. "I hate you so much McCall." I had so many freaking emotions running through my freaking mind.

I hated him but god I loved right now.
I stepped out the way so Malia and Liam could pull out the huge pipe arrow and Scott immediately fell to the ground sweating in pain.

I crouched down to his level as he panted and I held onto his wound putting pressure feeling it slowly close. "I hate you." I whispered whilst holding him placing my head on top of his.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry." He said holding onto my arm and I placed my lips on his head.

"I'm worried that you aren't telling me things Scotty." I scolded as I looked at the sweat wiping it away. "God I'm so mad at you!" I fumed stop him.

"They knew we were coming." Scott realised not listening to what I was saying and I hushed him. "Shut up. You focus on healing." I muttered to him.

"They've been a step ahead of us this whole time." He added and I looked at all of them confused.
"Who's they?!" I freaked turning my head to Lori and Malia.

"A hunter." Lori admitted and my eyes were immediately raised. Sometimes I question if they want to be punched.

"A hunter? A freaking Hunter was after one of my best friends and you idiots didn't call me?!" I whisper yelled at them trying to contain a whole anger of wrath waiting to be released.

"I'm sorry but I can't wait around, we have to go." Lori looked around cautious.
"We still have the numbers four to two now that Max is here. We're faster and we're stronger." Liam encouraged and I nodded along.

"Yeah I've been hitting the gym. I managed not to pass out whilst running through these tunnels." I muttered to them trying to bring a little humour for myself mostly because I was going freaking crazy inside.

"They're smarter." Scott objected and I scoffed.
"You don't know your girlfriend." I muttered and Malia took over for me by helping the wound stop bleeding by placing pressure as I looked at the blood on my hands.

"I don't care who's smarter or faster or whatever, my brothers going to die." Lori argued and I shook my head looking at her.

"No, no for once let me be the optimist, because he's not allowed to die." I stopped her from saying anymore bullshit.

"Somethings not right, the arrow the trip wire the poison. These aren't amateurs." Scott thought shaking his head as he slowly breathed and I thought to myself for a moment.

Wait wait wait hang on a second. "He's poisoned!" I yelled feeling my anger rage and Scott reached out for my hand trying to comfort me.
He's the one in pain and he's still trying to comfort me.
"No don't do that, don't do that because I'm so mad at you Scott." I scolded but I let him hold onto my hand.

My heartbeat was increasing rapidly trying to gather my thoughts. I'm so worried that I think my stomach has dropped to my feet.

Savour From Hell ➳ Scott McCall {4}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang