Chapter 12

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The drive to the hospital, twenty short minutes because of traffic became the longest passage of time in both of their lives. TK was occupied by the pains in his belly and breathing, but Carlos was only able to think of all the horrible things that could be happening to the babies and to TK himself at that moment.

Being a cop and having a paramedic boyfriend, he had heard so many stories that it wasn't easy not to be dramatic and not think the worst.

As he drove he put his hand on his boyfriend's knee and turned to him for a moment.

"It's a really stupid question, but how's it going?"

"It hurts more and more." TK grunted and bit his lip. "They look like labor contractions, but... Carlos... it's too soon." He let out air to be able to breathe a little better, if that was even possible. "Babe... promise me one thing."

"No, we're not going that way. There's nothing to promise, because nothing's going to happen."

"Carlos, please."

The cop turned to him as they stopped at a stoplight...damn stoplights. He stared at him, he was pale but at the same time his cheeks reddened from the terrible effort he was making not to throw tears or say how much his whole body hurt.

Carlos let out a long sigh.

"Okay, tell me."

"I've done a lot of stupid things in my life and until I met you, I didn't feel like my life was worth living."

"Don't say that... you've done a lot of incredible things."

"Carlos, let me finish, it's important."

Carlos put the car back in gear and focused his eyes on the road so he wouldn't start blurting out his speech to him about how important TK was, all the good he always did and all the good he said to him when he wanted to make him feel good.

"But then, you came along and changed my existence. I never thought I'd be a good father, I was afraid I'd make the same old mistakes..." He grunted again and flexed as much as he could despite the seat belt. "These babies...these twins are the best thing I've ever done and I can afford to lose matter what happens I can't lose them."

"I know this is your way of asking me to put the twins' safety above your own and I don't like it."


The pain was getting stronger and stronger.

"I'm not going to discuss this with you, while I'm trying to get you to the hospital. I'm on my nerves, so let's wait until the doctors tell me I have to make some kind of decision."

"Tell me you'll pick the twins."

"TK! Give it a rest."

TK gasped, he had rarely heard Carlos raise his voice and concentrated on his breathing.

It wasn't easy for Carlos to park the car at the ER door, without crashing it into the wall and he was sure the tow truck would take it away because he'd left it in the first place he'd found, not caring if it was right or not.

He had already given notice of his arrival, so two nurses with a wheelchair were waiting for him. Carlos, had to help TK out of the car, his legs barely holding him upright, wrapped around his waist and let most of his weight fall on him.

Once seated in the chair, TK grabbed Carlos' hand as if he was afraid his boyfriend was going to go somewhere, but as soon as they entered the ER the doctors made Carlos wait outside while they ran the first tests.

Fortunately, TK knew half of the ER doctors and although the thought of being away from Carlos made him extremely nervous, he knew he was in good hands and that gave Carlos time to call his parents and Owen. At least that kept his mind off what would be happening to TK in there.

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