Chapter 16: Generals: Section IV: Ashtaroth

Start from the beginning

Like the peacock man in Ashtaroth's vision. A woman—Ashtaroth's mother most likely—had kissed him and his alabaster skin had cracked open to spill gold onto the floor. Ashtaroth's skin had cracked with the man's.

Was the man the city, maybe? What had happened to the man had happened to Ashtaroth. Could it mean that because Ashtaroth suffered, the city suffered? Because Ashtaroth was trapped, Qemassen was trapped?

The council claimed he was imprisoned for both his own safety, and the safety of the court, but it was the safety of his family's reputation that Aurelius and Hima cared about.

Below the window, the peacock mewed, but no one answered.

Alone. Like Ashtaroth.

"Come walk with me."


There were worse things than being alone.

At this point, Ashtaroth's slaves barely reacted when he started talking to himself, so he didn't bother trying to pretend for Eremus's benefit.

He leaned hard on the windowsill, as though the foundations of the building could anchor him there, as though if he didn't look at Lilit she'd disappear. "No."

"So sour. I won't hurt you, I promise. My promises can be trusted, can't they, Ashmodai?"

It had been a long time since Ashmodai had joined his mistress. Ashtaroth turned around out of pure curiosity.

The tall, handsome demon was as dour as ever. His long black curls tumbled to his pale bare shoulders. His expression was anything but honest as he replied with dark humour. "Yes, Lilit."

Lilit stomped her foot. "Yes, Sese. You have to play the part, Ashmodai."

"Yes, Sese," Ashmodai corrected, with just as much sarcasm. "You always keep your promises. Until it suits you to change your mind."

"That's right." Lilit held her head high as though proud.

"His response doesn't inspire much confidence." Ashtaroth searched out the window for the peacock, but the bird was gone. Perhaps it had found its mate.

"Come with me, Ashtaroth," Lilit begged. "Please?"

Come walk with her. And what? Be free? There was no free where Lilit was concerned. Ashtaroth might be a fool and he might be mad, but he understood that.

He stared at the empty wall. In the distance, the peacocks called to one another.

To feel his feet touch the earth again. To breathe fresh air and walk without the hulk of Eremus's shadow overhanging his. To see Qemassen's streets and remember that he had once been a person instead of his family's private shame.

Why not leave with Lilit, if she could make it so? She hovered around him whatever he did and wherever he went. Ashtaroth might as well get something out of it.

"If you can get me away, you're free to do it." Ashtaroth faced her and glared. "But only if there isn't a price this time."

Lilit smiled to herself as if at some small triumph, looking for all the world like an ordinary girl. Yellow hyacinths still sprouted from her brown hair, but for the first time in a long time, her face wasn't crushed and bloody. "I can do that. It's easy enough if you know how."

For the last few months, Ashtaroth had continued reading whatever he could about Lilit. Some documents had been refused him, on the grounds that they would disturb his mind further, but Ashtaroth had at least received some of the materials he'd wanted. Most of them were useless or repeated information Ashtaroth had already known. Lilit was a goddess and to the Eru a demon. Lilit was summoned to wreak havoc and vengeance, particularly on behalf of women and against the men who had wronged them. Lilit fed on the blood of Eru infants. Lilit was the bride of Ashmodai. Lilit hungered for flesh with an insatiable appetite. She was an owl. She was a temptress. She was dishonest and malevolent.

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