18:The big Green 'j' monster

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We silently walked to a car that's already waiting and Felix kindly pulled the door open for me before rounding the car to get in himself,he was about to start the engine when he suddenly ran his hands through his hair in frustration before turning to look at me.

"Umm..okay how do I say this my love I'm sorry for my aunt she's irrational and let's not begin to talk about her insane daughter"he said grabbing a hold of my hand.

"Hey don't worry it's nothing"I said with a reassuring smile.

"No it is I don't like it when people hurt you in such a manner..heck if not because she's my mom' sister-in-law God knows what I'd do to her"he said

"You don't like them that much"I asked intertwining our fingers.

"Yes my love they make my mother miserable.
All of them do..her side of the family I don't know but is like they don't like dad the entire thing is a mystery to me"he said letting out a sigh.

"Hey don't worry about it they'll open up to you if they are ready to okay"I assured leaning in to peck his lips and he pulled me closer to make it last longer.

Deep down I also feel my own parents have something they're not telling me but I know they'll gradually open up.

"Hopefully"he whispered after pulling away.A peaceful silence fell after that before I spoke up.

"You remember when Monique tried to shave off my hair?"I asked with a short laugh at the end.

"With shaving cream yup and I never talked much to her after that"he continued saying my unspoken words.

"Haha..and we also never got along"I completed.

"Yeah.."he said

"But do your know why she did it?"I asked my expression suddenly turning serious.

"Yeah maybe"he trailed.

"Maybe you say.."I repeated in bewilderment "she loves you Felix and her mother has been feeling her with this crap about you two being made for each other and let's not forget Katherine and many other girls in school that I have to listen to daydreaming about you"I ranted and when I looked up at him again he looked as if he's trying to choke down his laughter.

"What?"I asked

"Nothing..nothing is just that I love it when you are jealous"he teased pecking my cheek.

"No I'm serious Felix I can't deal with this"you are simply too good looking and every girl will fall for you.I thought to myself and of course I can't tell him that his head will grow big.

"Hey my love I'm only yours okay don't forget you also have males clinging all around and I also have to listen to them daydream about you"he said and it's really true.

"Yeah you are right but we are with each other right so no worries"I said more like reassuring myself than him.

"Of course..now tell me the wonderful news my parents where congratulating you for"he said.

"It may be surprising but just yesterday we found out mom is expecting another baby before dad left for England"I said not able to resist the smile that broke its way unto my face.

"Good God that is wonderful news indeed you're going to be an elder sis again"he said a sparkle of joy in his eyes as if I just told him I have his child in me...God Belvina what are you thinking...snap out of it!

"Mmhmm"I nodded several times.

"That's good I also wish for you to one day tell me this same news"he said starting the engine making my breath hitch..and he just turned away and drove ahead like he didn't just say that and pretended not to see my dumbfounded expression.

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