Immortals Book 5 Third Half

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GT went back to his place and got ET. PK did the same and they all met up. They went to the Immortals building. In this new world, it was back to being the WMP center.

GT, EK, PK and ET snuck into the WMP building. When PC was in her room, PK used chloroform to make PC unconscious and GT did the same to ML the second. They took the two in an abandoned place and waited for them to wake up. When ML the second woke up, he got upset when he saw PC and wondered who the other four were.

EK: Hey, man. What's up? You've been out for long.

ML2nd: Wh-Who the hell are you? And why am I in the same room with this, with this thing!

PC: Excuse me? Am I the one you are talking about?

ML2nd: Who else is a thing in this room!

PK: Guys! Guys! What is going on? Why are you arguing?

ML2nd: Who are you?

GT: Okay! Okay, listen! I am GT, this is my sister, ET, that is PK, and that other insect is EK.

EK: Wait, you have an insect named after me?

ET: Is this how dumb he is?

GT: He was much better and less annoying in the real world

PC: The real world? Wait! What's going on? Why did you bring us here and what do you mean by the real world?

PK: We brought all of you here because this world is not real.

They all burst in laughter. Laughing at how PK and GT gathered them all to tell them that their world is not real.

GT: We're being serious. There's a tool called a chord. It can rewrite reality and time and change everything to the advantage of the one that yields it. In the real world, we were a team known as the Immortals and that WMP building was changed to the Immortals building.

PK: And we need your help to help us get the chord and rewrite reality back to what it originally was.

ML2nd: And where is this so-called chord?

GT: With Debo. We need to get the chord from Debo. He isn't what you think he is. He is pure evil. A villain and he is just the worst.

ET: Yeah, you're definitely crazy GT. Debo? He is the best president.

EK: GT is crazy, he actually chased me and threatened to kill me by throwing me off the bridge to get eaten by the crocodiles just to find PK.

PK: What? GT! Did you really do that?

GT: Wha-wh-wh-w-w-what! N-o-noo, of course not! I could never do such.

PK: You're still the same old GT. I expected better from you but of course, you're still a cold and heartless murderer.

ET: Murderer?

EK: Yeah, he even said he'd sell my eyes.

GT: (Walked towards EK) Make another lie and we'll see if you'll see the end of the day!

ML2nd: Hey! Hey! I've had enough of your pointless arguments. My head is already boiling after seeing a snake among us and you kidnapped us to tell us that this is not a real world. So, if you really claim that this is not a real world, and you need our help then let us get going. I have a house up the mountain big enough for all of us. Let's go there and if what you say is really true then we will help you out but if not. I swear, I will personally kill you both. Especially you, GT.

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