Chapter 24

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The following morning I woke up to Arthur gone. Hopefully he actually went to his knight ceremony with the king. As a new one was being presented today. Merlin didn't deserve another day in the stocks for his sudden rash behaviour.

A knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts as I brushed my hair. Getting up from my vanity I walked to the door. Not a care in the world that I was still in my night gown. Opening the door I saw a hopeful looking Sophia, her bright smile turning into a frown upon seeing me at the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked rather harshly. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she despised me the moment we met. Due to no fault of my own.

"I didn't think it was a crime to be in my own chambers," I retort not sure what her problem was with me. I'm guessing it has to do with Arthur not paying attention to her during her stay here. For the longest time girls would throw themselves on the prince yet he never paid them any mind.

"But this is supposed to be Arthur's chambers?" She replied angrily there almost seemed to be a red tint to her eyes. Right then I knew she was bad news.

"It's ours if you really must know. I'm not sure what your intentions are with my fiancee but it won't end well for you," I replied sternly, my father always said people coward at me when I did that look. She did slightly before chuckling.

"Jealousy isn't very attractive on a woman," she states and it was my turn to laugh.

"I'm not jealous, why would I be. It's you who clearly is. But heed my warning he will never care for you," I concluded before closing the door. Going back to my morning routine.

"I've had a nightmare about her, she killed Arthur in it. It might seem like nothing but I had it before she came here," the voice of Morgana says as she walked in the door not long after. Lightly wrapping on the wood with her hand. She looked scared, so this must've been serious. Not much frightened her.

"You needn't worry Morgana, nothing bad shall happen to him. At least not with Merlin and I around," I comforted her placing a gentle hand on her arm. She smiled slightly glad to have someone to talk too.

"I've tried warning him but he wouldn't see reason, he's too stubborn," she replied giving me a pleading look. I pulled her into a hug.

"I'll make him see reason, you have my word," I state knowing she cared for the man just as much as I. Just in a different way.

When Arthur came back from wherever he went, things were odd about him. Well more than usual that is to say. For me it was the strangest thing I have ever witnessed in my whole life. And I come from a kingdom that utilizes magic on the regular. It got to the point where I asked Merlin for some explanation.

"So he comes back from wherever and is acting like this?" The raven haired man asked looking over at the prince with wide eyes and I nodded my head trying to make sense of it all.

In front of us stood the future king of Camelot gazing out the window. A bright smile on his face as he hummed a tune. Something that was highly out of character for him. And that was saying something.

Luckily Merlin didn't have to witness the blonde man declaring his love for me. Saying that he wanted to marry me as soon as possible. Completely ignoring the fact our wedding wasn't planned until the near future. However he wouldn't listen to me when I tried explaining it to him. It was like looking at a love sick puppy.

"Yeah and he keeps declaring his undying love for me whilst also claiming that we are to be wed by tomorrow. Apparently he made a declaration about it in front of the whole court. To which Uther denied, of course he didn't blame me for his sons rash behaviour. Seeing as we both agree on the wedding not being of importance right now," I explained farther, not knowing that Merlin was there for that part. Considering he was the one who asked Uther to meet with his son.

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