Chapter 7

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The second day of the tournament was underway and everyone was fighting well. For today I was wearing a simple rose coloured dress, paired with my tiara. It was extremely nerve-wracking to say the least. While everyone else was watching in amusement. Here I was worrying.

Every since Merlin made his observations about Valiant, I couldn't help but worry. Which only amplified when one of his opponents was really hurt, putting him in the final tomorrow. With Arthur.

Part of me believed Arthur could win, since he's an amazing fighter. But the other part was terrified something bad might happen to him. Which would be terrible.

Since the fighting for today was over, I was just walking around, with Mia. Trying to get my mind off of things. Being around people and nature always helped cheer me up. My mother always said I preferred being outside, said I was blessed with a love for nature.

As we walked I noticed Merlin making his way back to Gaius's chambers with a glum look on his face.

"Why the long face Merlin?" I asked as we approach him. His blue eyes had a look of sadness and disbelief within them.

"I told Arthur about Valiant using magic so he set up a meeting with Uther. We managed to cure Ewan but then he died meaning no witness. Arthur was so mad that he sacked me," Merlin explained with a sigh, glancing down at his feet.

"Seriously, just because things didn't go to plan?" I say clenching my hand into a fist. "I'll go give him a piece of my mind, you find a way to expose Valiant," I say before rushing off, I couldn't believe he fired Merlin over this.

Mia kept her pace with me as I made my way into our chambers. There he was sitting at his desk, writing on some parchment.

"You fired him over a little misconception. Why didn't you let him explain?" I seethed as I stopped in front of the desk, Mia stayed by the door. Quietly observing.

"He made me look like a fool in front of the whole court," he replied not even looking up from his work, which only made me more angry.

"You do a fine job of that on your own," I say with a huff as I crossed my arms over my chest, tapping my foot on the floor.

"Oh so it's my fault things went wrong then?" He states finally looking up, his eyes softened as they met mine.

"I never said that. Things go wrong all the time, but you're in the wrong for firing him. All he ever does is put his life at risk to save yours, but you're too blinded by your ego to see it. He doesn't even get a thank you, but then something goes awry and you blame him and now he's out of a job, one that he seems to like might I add," I rant leaning against the table.

"Why do you care so much?" He asks standing up, looking down at me since I'm shorter.

"I care because Merlin is my friend. It's not a crime to befriend those who work for you. Also I believe him, Valiant is using magic to win and tomorrow he's going to kill you. Don't you get that? Camelot is nothing without its future king, he obviously wants our kingdom to fall. Uther would wreck havoc on anyone who hurt you. If you died, then imagine what he'd do. Camelot would fall apart," I explained, trying to catch my breath after rushing to get the words out.

"That won't happen, you know I can beat him," he says trying to calm me down.

"Yeah I know you can, if he wasn't using magic. But I know he's going to use it to kill you," I say trying to get him to see reason.

His expression soften when hearing my plea, as he began to frown. Slowly, he took a few steps around the table so that he was right in front of me. Close enough I could feel his body heat.

"I promise Ana, nothing bad will happen to me. I'll win this tournament and take you to the feast. You won't have to worry about Valiant, Edmund and I will make sure of it," he says calmly, eyes never leaving mine as he gently took my hands.

"I hope so, because there's just something not right about that man," I say letting out a sigh "please consider giving Merlin his job back. He's one of the best servants you've ever had, not that you'd admit it," and that I made my way back out of the room as I was dining with Edmund today.

The atmosphere between Mia and I was quiet as we walked to my brother's room. The only sound was from our shoes and the swish of our dresses. That was until Mia broke the silence.

"I've never seen him look at you like that,"

"Like what?" I asked turning towards her as we stopped walking.

"Like he's starting to fall in love," she admits with a soft smile "If any woman can tame his heart and make him a better man, it's you Anastasia," and with that we began walking again, making our way to my brother's room. I thought about what she said.

Could he really be falling in love with me? Am I really the one who can change him?

I guess only time will tell....

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