Chapter 1

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The lush flowers in the castle gardens were always a pleasure to visit. My favourite ones were the pink roses near the center. Today was just like any other, I was admiring the birds singing to eachother in the trees up above. The smell of fresh mint in the brisk air.

It was nice here in Camelot, but there were times I wished I could spend more time in Willowstone. The place where I was born, the place where my parents ruled with their kind caring hearts. The place my brother Josiah will once rule when father passed away.

Willowstone was vastly different from Camelot. At least structure wise. For things like the practice of magic isn't always punishable by death. Our punishments are far more just than that of Uther's. Which is something he doesn't know about. He believes that most crimes are to result in death. Especially those related to magic.

I never understood why he hated such a thing. Sometimes magic could be seen as beautiful, if done by the right person. However it did seem that those who used magic in Camelot, always had a vendetta against the king. For he has many enemies.

Jumping out of my thoughts, I made my way up to my chambers. Uther was having a feast tonight and claimed that I had to wear a nice dress. Personally I'd be fine in just my trousers and tunic, but it's not lady like. Also the fact that I'm a princess from a well respected kingdom, doesn't change the fact I need to dress like one on royal occasions, which was alot.

"Ana, you need to see this," the voice of my maid servant Mia, says from inside as I entered the room.

She was standing by the window, gazing out into the training grounds as she hung out sheets to dry. Making my way over, I poked my head out to see a scene below.

There was this man chastising Arthur for how he was treating his servant. You see he didn't really treat the servants like they were human, well he was nice to the women.

The man began standing up for the servant but that didn't go over well with Arthur and one thing lead to another. Unfortunately the man got arrested, but he probably is new here and didn't actually know that he was speaking to the prince.

"I can't believe someone stood up to him, almost put him in his place," I say turning away from the scene and sitting at my table.

"I still can't believe you have to marry him one day," Mia says with a fake scoff as she began putting away some of my clothes.

"Yeah well it wasn't my choice. Although he wasn't like this when he was a kid," I reply taking a grape out of the fruit bowl.

"I bet if it were any other lady in your shoes, they would be thrilled to marry the future king of Camelot," she says gently nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah well I only see Arthur as somewhat of a friend," I state earning a laugh from Mia.

"Don't let Uther hear you speaking like that,"

We talked some more before I decided to take a walk before heading to the first feast of the celebrations Uther is putting on. This one just happened to be my engagement feast, but tomorrow was the one to kick off the celebration of being magic less for twenty years.


The sound of my footsteps echoed through the halls as I made my way through them. I wasn't paying any mind as to where I was going, but I smiled and waved at everyone I passed. Politeness was always my strong suit, that and trying to humiliate Arthur in anyway possible. Although getting on his nerves worked just as well.

"I see you actually left the gardens," a voice says behind me which made me stop in my tracks. I didn't even need to turn around to know who had spoken to me.

"And I see you still find ways to belittle your servant," I retort rolling my eyes slightly as he approached.

"It was target practice. It helps keep the knights aim sharp," he replies trying to defend his actions.

"Heaven knows they do. However it's not right to throw daggers at anyone for the amusement of you and your knights,"

He had a smirk on his face "I didn't know you cared about my actions," the statement caused me to roll my eyes once more.

"I care about how the people of Camelot will react when they see you acting like that. You're future king afterall. People won't look up to you if you continue behaving like that, especially in public," I informed him placing a hand on my hip.

He took a few steps closer so that we were almost nose to nose. Of course I had to look up slightly since I wasn't as tall as him.

"Admit it Ana you care about me," he whispered, the air from his breath tickling my face.

"I never said I didn't, however not when you go around carrying on like an arrogant prat," I replied taking a few steps back.

He chuckled at my statement "Ladies shouldn't use such language. If my father heard you. He'd chastise you,"

"Well it's a good thing I'm not a normal lady,"

I turned on my heel and began making my way back to the room, grumbling lowly under my breath as I went. It was ten minutes later when I reentered my chambers. Upon entering, I marched over to my table and sat down with a big sigh. Crossing my arms over my chest.

"What's wrong Ana?"

I didn't even need to turn around to know it was Mia who spoke.

"Arthur really gets on my nerves sometimes. Like how are people going to look up to him and respect him as a future king, if he goes around acting like that? Then of course he has to tease me about caring about him.

Of course I care about him. We grew up together, for the most part. As of right now he's my friend but I just can't stand him when he's acting like that. How am I supposed to fall in love with him one day, when at the moment there's not much to love?

I mean, sure he's ridiculously handsome but there are other qualities to people, not just their looks. His personality is terrible, I mean you saw the way he treated that man. And how he treats his servant.

Why do I have to marry him?"

As I spoke, I tugged at the ends on my hair. Something I did when things were bothering me.

"You have to marry him because of the betrothal. It'll strengthen the bond between your two kingdoms. Now lets get you ready for your engagement party,"

This is definitely going to be a long night. Wish me luck........

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