𝘀𝘂𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻 | alohomora

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Ship: SuA, Siyeon
Members Are: In a Fantasy AU
Categories: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Seventh-year Hogwarts student Bora recruits the help of her friends Minji, Dong, Yoohyeon, Yubin, and Gahyeon to get to the bottom of her roommate Siyeon's suspicious behavior.

Kim Bora fidgeted in her seat. Once. Twice. Three times.

"Stop it," Kim Yoohyeon hissed. "I can't focus."

"Not my problem," Bora muttered under her breath, but she resorted to tapping her foot under her desk instead. Luckily for both Bora and Yoohyeon, class was soon being dismissed, and the girls jumped to their feet, gathering their possessions and heading for the door as quickly as they could.

"What time do you have to be there for Quidditch practice?" Bora asked her best friend. "I need help studying with my Charms assignment, and—"

Bora didn't get to finish her plead for help. Yoohyeon's slender hand suddenly grasped onto her shorter friend's arm for dear life, and Bora whirled around in surprise. It didn't take long for her to discover the problem.

"As per usual, Kim Yoohyeon isn't watching where she's going," Lee Siyeon announced with utter contempt, her nose turned up in disgust as she brushed off her black woolen robe where Yoohyeon had collided into her, an incident that would have sent the fiery-haired girl to the floor had she not grabbed onto Bora's arm. Siyeon swished her robe until it fell neatly around her slender frame once more, eliciting an eye roll from Bora.

Anyone around the three girls in the hallway didn't give them so much as a second glance. Everyone in attendance at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry knew that Kim Bora of Slytherin and Kim Yoohyeon of Hufflepuff had become the closest of best friends after being seated together in History of Magic class as first-years – and, more prominently, that Bora's roommate Lee Siyeon of Slytherin hated them with an undeniable ferocity. An interaction like this was, unfortunately, a normal sight.

It wasn't really Yoohyeon's fault that she had tripped Siyeon in front of everyone in the Great Hall during dinner as first-years. She had simply stood up and turned around without looking, not expecting anyone – let alone a Slytherin at the Hufflepuff table, of all places – to be behind her. Somehow, Yoohyeon's actions worked out in such a way that Siyeon was the only one who landed sprawling on the floor with the wind knocked out of her and tears of embarrassment and pain streaming down her face. Siyeon's placement in Slytherin was quite easily confirmed by the instant grudge that she had held from that moment on, lasting all the way to where they currently were, in their final year at Hogwarts.

"And as per usual, Lee Siyeon is obsessed with someone who couldn't care less about her," Bora sneered, tugging Yoohyeon to her side and linking their arms together. "Sod off, prat."

"Eat slugs, slag."

Yoohyeon's head whipped towards Bora just in time to watch the Slytherin girl's gaze harden nearly to stone. "Let's just go, Bora," she whispered urgently, but not quietly enough. Siyeon laughed coldly.

"That's right, Bora. Why don't you take a Hufflepuff's advice and...retreat?"

"I am not a slag," Bora hissed as Yoohyeon began dragging her shorter friend away.

"I know that," Yoohyeon responded, and Bora huffed.

"Sure, you do, but when Siyeon blabs it to the whole school that I am, you're the only one who knows that I really am not."

Yoohyeon sighed. "I don't think you have to worry about that, Bora. No one takes the three of us seriously anymore."

"Anymore?" Bora echoed in a grumble. "When did they ever?"

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