𝘀𝘂𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻 | when i taste tequila

909 18 50

Ship: SuA, Siyeon
Members Are:
In a Non-DC AU
Categories: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Siyeon reminisces on the painful pleasures of the relationship that she has with Bora whilst planning to put it to an end.

Lee Siyeon won't stop at Eclipse Tavern anymore. She'll walk right by, her black Doc Martens keeping their steady pace against the pavement, her eyes trained straight ahead.

That is, until Kim Bora will call her by the nickname that only she is allowed to use, a privilege that certainly goes to her head. "Hey, stupid."

And Siyeon will sigh, still looking at the sidewalk ahead of her: it's only one more block until home, she almost made it.

"Don't think that you can't walk past without saying hi to me."

Then Siyeon will start to crack. A hint of a smile will grace her full peach lips as she turns to see Bora leaning against the doorframe, wiping her hands on her apron. "Wouldn't dream of it," she'll joke even though her voice cracks.

Bora's own soft look will harden a bit, Siyeon's emotions reminding her of tonight. When Siyeon has to say goodbye.

"Hey, stupid," Bora grins, glancing up as Siyeon pulls open the wooden door. "One minute and I'll get you your regular, babe."

"Thanks," Siyeon sighs, taking a seat on a stool: her stool. But after tonight, it won't be hers anymore.

"Listen, Bora," Siyeon begins when the waitress returns with her drink. "Can we talk for a second?" The bar isn't busy at all, but she knows that Bora would drop all her work for her anyways.

"What's up, babe?" Bora asks, tossing the towel in her hands onto the counter and leaning forward with concern evident in her deep brown eyes.

Siyeon winces at the pet name. Not because she dislikes it, but because she shouldn't like it. It's another moment before she speaks, her eyes trained on the napkin that she fiddles with to avoid Bora's gaze.

"I appreciate this, Bora," Siyeon whispers. "I appreciate...us...and what we have. At least, what I think that we have." She sighs, her eyes flitting towards the nearby window as she still dodges Bora's stare.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I like what we are...but I think that I like it more than you do. I'm sorry, Bora. I just get attached too easily, and I think that it's better if we cut it off now. I don't want to get hurt."

Bora is silent for a moment. When Siyeon dares to look over briefly, the waitress is staring at the counter with glassy eyes. "So, is this why you don't talk to me anymore? Flirt with me? Kiss me?"

"I'm sorry," Siyeon whispers again, shaking her head. She knows that Bora's questions are rhetorical, and she only has apologies to offer in return.

"Siyeon," Bora sighs, picking up her towel again and beginning to fidget with it in her hands as Siyeon's attention fully returns to the waitress. "You can do what you want, but I'm the one who should be apologizing. I thought that you would never feel this way about me. I'm sorry that I tried to make you jealous with a few people, maybe teased you one too many times. I'm sorry to you, but I'm also sorry to myself. Because, Siyeon, I really do like you."

"You have a weird way of showing it, Bora." Siyeon slides her now half-downed drink across the counter as she stands up. "I guess we're all sorry here."

"Siyeon, wait," Bora's pained voice calls as Siyeon tosses some money on the counter and begins to walk away. "Wait, wait."

Siyeon pauses in the middle of the room, but she doesn't turn around. Her eyes are fixed straight ahead.

"You didn't even want to hear me out? Did what I say mean nothing to you? Do I mean nothing to you? Do our memories...all mean nothing to you?"

"Funny, that's what I was asking myself the other night when I walked in to see you flirting with that other girl who, now that I think about it, always seems to be here on the nights when I told you that I work late."

"Siyeon." Bora's voice is close now, in fact, so close to Siyeon's ear that she nearly shivers. The waitress pulls Siyeon's arm so that they are facing each other, and Siyeon is forced to look at Bora's tear-filled eyes. "Maybe I didn't do such a good job of showing it, but I like you. More than anyone I've ever liked before. I just wanted to see if you were serious. I took it too far, and that was my mistake. I know I would have to make it up to you, and I promise I would spend the rest of my life doing that if you let me, you have no idea how bad I feel. But please, just don't let me lose you."

Siyeon thinks for a moment. She thinks about how it would feel to walk past Eclipse Tavern, her black Doc Martens keeping their steady pace against the pavement, her eyes trained straight ahead. She thinks about how it would feel to not have Bora call her by her nickname, the wooden door of the bar staying closed as laughter and conversation filter through the windows to the sidewalk, reminding her of tonight.

Siyeon pictures walking the last block home. How it would feel to walk up her steps without having seen Bora all day. She can so clearly imagine herself opening up her front door, dropping her purse on the ground, and...seeing those beautiful brown eyes look up from across the kitchen island, ready to welcome her after a long day of work, just as Bora has always done. Maybe in a few years, when she gets promoted and Bora wouldn't have to work at Eclipse Tavern anymore.

"Promise me that next time, you'll just use your words?" Siyeon asked in a pained whisper as she wraps her arms around Bora, pulling her against her chest.

"I promise," Bora sighs slightly. "Really...I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," Siyeon replies. "We all have a different way of showing that we like someone, right?"

"Right," Bora chuckles softly as she pulls away from Siyeon's embrace. "I'll work on showing it in a way that you understand a little more."

"Likewise." Siyeon gives the waitress a lopsided grin, and Bora's own smile widens. But it doesn't stay there for long, because Siyeon has other plans. She leans down and cups Bora's face in her hands gently as she presses their lips together.

It's different than any other kiss that they've shared. No, this time, Siyeon feels it. How much Bora means everything. And in that moment, it's clear to her. Bora doesn't love her. Bora is in love with her. And they'll both never feel a kiss like each other's again.

And Siyeon is quite, quite okay with that. She would rather keep stopping at Eclipse Tavern anyways.

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