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Yoongi and Jin were in the car, Yoongi was driving whereas Jin was sitting in the passenger seat with a confused expression.

"Yoongi, will you tell me, now? Where the heck are we going and why did we take Kija's head with us?! What are you planning to do?!" Jin was terrified because Yoongi was driving fast and like a crazy man and confused because he had no idea what was going on and why he was acting this way. Also, when did Yoongi learn this kind of driving?

"Hyung, give me a few minutes, we will be there and you will know" Yoongi looked in the rearview mirror "Also, hold on to your seat belt, someone is following us" Jin's eyes were wide with shock as he looked in the rearview mirror as Yoongi was right. He held onto the seat belt for his dear life.

Yoongi drove to an empty road and turned the steering wheel. Now, he was driving backway while facing the car that was following them. He slowed down a bit and looked at the people in the car.

"Hyung" Jin looked at Yoongi "Call Seokie"


"Just fucking call him!!" Jin nodded and called Hoseok.

Yoongi turned the car and stepped on the accelerator as the car behind them did the same. Jin was calling Hoseok but he wasn't picking up the call.

"He isn't picking up my call," Jin said with a frown on his face and looking in the rearview mirror, the car was getting closer to them.

"Yoongi the car is getting closer!!" Jin said as he left the seat belt and took the laptop from the backseat.

Yoongi looked at the rearview mirror and again hit the accelerator, fastening the car's speed even more.

"Hyung, take my phone and call him. There is no way he would not pick up my call" Jin nodded and took Yoongi's phone to call Hoseok.

"What if he doesn't?!" Jin asked as he dailed Hoseok's number and kept the call on speaker.

"Then we are fucked and on our own"

"Hello" Hoseok picked up the call.

BANG!! A bullet was shot at the car which was clearly heard by Hoseok.

"What noise was that?!" Hoseok asked in a panicked voice.

"We are being followed and they shot us," Yoongi said as he looked in the rearview mirror and cursed.

"Now, what happened?!" Hoseok asked in panic once again. Yoongi and Jin could hear shuffling sounds on the other side of the call.

"They have a big gun," Yoongi said. Hoseok cursed under his breath this time.

"Where the heck are you guys?!"

"I don't know, I just drove to an empty place when I saw them follow us," Yoongi said. His hands were sweating and his eyes were in panic whereas his face was calm.

"We will be there soon," Hoseok said.

"Okay" Yoongi replied.

"Do one thing" Yoongi hummed "Go in a public place where there are many cars because you are far away from us I mean very far"


"I will send you the location, you will follow that"


"I am coming to save you both, don't worry"

"Okay" Hoseok ended the call.

"We will be fine," Jin said as he patted Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi nodded.

They were having a chase when another huge car came out of nowhere and crashed into Yoongi's car. His car rotated a few times and stopped at a distance.

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