First trip (Rides)

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Part 3
Lesss gooo

"Fun time" I shouted after we were all given our names.

"Hey Alan" Leo called, not to brag but my name was the best. " Let's try out the big thunder first"

"Did someone say thunder" Samantha(Sagittarius) rushed in. "What are we waiting for, let's check it out.

" I'd like to join we heard a voice from behind us.

It was Carina and poppy(Puppis)

Some of us didn't have a different name like Leo and Ara.

"Sure, you can join" Leo effused as we headed to the ride.

"Where's Victoria(Vela)" Samantha asked as she looked around.

"She's with Tristan(Taurus)" Poppy sighed before being cut off by the sight of the big thunder. "Woah its huge"

When we got to the line Alex(Aquarius) was already there.

"Why are you alone dude" Leo queried.

Alex eyes wondered around the park the he chuckled nervously "To be honest, I don't know" he shrugged.

"Well now we are here" Samantha beamed as she hugged him "we could go together"

Finally it was our turn and to be honest I didn't know I'd feel a bit nervous about riding this big hunk of terror.

"Ready Alan" Carina chimed, since we were riding together.

''I'm always ready" I smirked.


We were on our way to the log flume when Victoria joined us.

"This is gonna be so awesome" Gwen(Gemini) effused as she skipped in front of us "Look at all these people, I think we should talk to them" she buzzed.

"Gwen, remember we aren't supposed to talk unless spoken to" Tristan shook his head at Gwen's statement.

"Yeah, Mr Ares said we need to obverse first" Victoria added as she flipped her purple hair. "But it is tempting to talk to them"

Gwen wore a pout that didn't last two seconds.

"I'd be surprised the day you'd actually be angry" I smirked.

"We air signs are hardly angry Vincent(Virgo)" Lisa(Libra) giggled.

Which was true, I've never really seen any of them angry.

We finally reached the log flume and Victoria immediately took Tristan by the hand "We should ride together Tristy" she batted her eyelids.

Tristan nodded as she smiled.

Lisa and I were partners and Gwen rode with Chris(Cetus).

"Are you excited" Gwen kept pulling Chris's sleeve.

"I am excited" Chris held Gwen's wrist as he smiled at her. "Let's go"

Lisa was afraid of sitting in front so I had to, she held on tight as she whimpered. "Please tell me when its over"


"Hey Scott(Scorpio)" I heard Peri(Pisces) called as we waited in line.

"What is it" I sighed exasperatedly as I turned to her "what could you possibly want now"

Peri looked around then back at me
"I'm kinda scared" she clenched her fist as she looked at me with her blue eyes.

"There's nothing to be afraid of" I wheezed.

I turned to Camile(Capricorn) who was furious at Chase(Canis major) and Connor(Canis minor) who was busy talking to Charlotte(Cancer).

"Shut up, its our turn" Camile boomed at Chase.

We chose to ride the infinity falls.
I sat with peri, Charlotte with Connor and Camile with chase.

Before we started moving I began having second thoughts and Peri screamed with excitement.
Guess she wasn't scared anymore.

"My legs won't stop shaking" Charlotte wailed as we headed to the next ride. ''But it was so fun"

Peri who was trying to dry her hair joined Charlotte in explaining their experience.

"Didn't you enjoy the ride" I asked Camile who've hardly said anything.

She smiled before nodding "It was fun"

"We should try Daredevil's falls next" chase beamed as he pointed at the terribly high ride.

I like the way he thinks.

"Are you sure" Conner croaked as chase put his hands on his shoulders.

"Yes" chase and I jinxed.


"Is there any ride Left" Samantha asked as she looked around
"Hey Leo look its Diego(Draco)" she pointed at this guy who was standing alone.

Carina and poppy left us a while back and Alex went after Peri, so it was Alan, Samantha and I.

Before Alan and I could say anything Samantha shouted "Hey Diego over here" she waved at him.

Diego walked over to us as he winked at Samantha.

He's just as flirtatious as Alan and I, which I don't know how to feel about.

"Where's Ariana(Auriga) and Percy(Phoenix)" Alan asked before I felt someone coming from behind me and then I felt a cold pair of hands cover my eyes.

"What the heck, who's this" I asked trying not to show my anger.
I held the tiny wrist of however it was as the others snickered.

"Guess Leo" The person covering my eyes said and I immediately knew it was. "Aw, I messed up" she wailed realizing her mistake.

After letting go of my eyes, I blinked several times before seeing Ariana grinning.

"You always messes it up" Percy shook his head as he placed his hands in his pocket " That's why you always get caught.

We talked for a while before joining with the others.

Woah you came
Thanks so much for reading
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Let's meet again in the next chapter
Cya 🎁

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