The dance (we made it)

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   "Hey it's the dude with crazy red hair" Aries heard a voice from behind him.
He turned to see Draco.
"Hey dude Draco right?"he farrowed his brows.

Sagittarius watched as Aries conversed with Draco before hearing her name.
"Phoenix hi nice to see you again" she tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Same"Phoenix gave a half smile.

"Is that your date she pointed at a girl who was busy talking to other people.
"No that Ara, Draco's date"Phoenix sighed.
"Nice, so who is yours" Sagittarius tilted her head.

"I don't have" Phoenix shook his head.
"Yeah little fire bird over here couldn't ask Auri " Draco rushed in ruffling Phoenix's hair.

   "Heard anything from Cap"Pisces asked Libra.
"No I haven't" Libra shook her head.
"Bummer"Pisces sighed.
Its not a complete bummer.....I kinda maybe like that Scorpio left" Libra winced.

" wait what" Pisces shrieked in disbelieve.
"What I mean is I'm really like spending time with Leo" Libra continued.
"That's great, but what about Cap she's out there missing the dance" Pisces pointed at a random direction.

"Don't stress your pretty heads, Caprisun is at the library" Aries cut in.
"Yeah little miss bossy nerd was planning on going there for a while now" he added.

"But.....she's" Pisces wailed before Aries cut in.
"Missing the dance...yeah" he nodded.
"If that's what she wants " Pisces shrugged.
" I gotta go meet up with Aquarius" she waved at Libra.
  "Well  thanks for that wonderful compliment no one asked for"Taurus pulled Cancer behind him.
"I'll take it from here" he added as he took her away from the unfamiliar guy.

"Watch it" Sagittarius said as she felt someone bumped into her.
"Taurus for star's sake what in the world are you doing" she asked noticing Cancer behind him.

"No no no no you're not doing your Cancer is talking to a guy jealous move here" Sagittarius crossed her arms pouting at him.
"That's what he was doing" Cancer peered form behind Taurus.

"I'm not jealous I'm only......." Taurus hesitated as Sagittarius gave him a serious look.
"What's going on" Virgo asked.

"Taurus just being jealous" Sagittarius smiled at Virgo.
" I am not" Taurus wailed like a child.
Virgo only stared at the guy who was taller than he was.
"'s okay if she talks to other guys" Virgo finally said.

  "Can we go now" Scorpio whined making Capricorn to groan.
"How am I suppose to concentrate when you're asking silly questions" she moaned.

"Since when do I ask silly questions " Scorpio frowned.
"Hmm let's see the one about heights" Capricorn tapped her fingers.
"But you couldn't reached the book" Scorpio defended.
"Okay what about when you asked why can't books read themselves" she nodded.
"That doesn't count" Scorpio shrugged.

"Okay okay no more distractions" Capricorn giggled.
"Having fun are we"Aries asked leaning on the door frame.
"Aries....wha.....are you doing here" Capricorn's brows twitched.

"You told me remember, Pisces and Libra are worried about you that's why I came" Aries scoffed looking at the opposite direction.

"You sure about that" Scorpion lifted a brow at him.
"Okay we can go now" Capricorn said cutting the glare between the two guys.
"But you haven't seen what you were looking for" Scorpio stopped her.

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