Bedtime mysteries

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After a long and exhausting day I was bushed, I sat on my bed waiting to fall asleep.

"Taur, are you going to sleep now" Virgo asked as he grabbed his scarf.
"Yes" I yawned.
"Okay, but I'm heading out" I opened the door.

With Virgo out I was free to do anything including snoop.
I rushed over to his side of the room.

Hmm...books, books, comics, brochures, more books, sanitizers, even more books.

"Can Virgo be anymore boring" I cried 
but then I saw where he kept his journal.

I smiled and attempted to open it, but as expected it was locked.

"Typical Virgo," I scoffed as I went back to my bed.


Leo was just admiring himself on the large new mirror he bought.
After getting bored of watching him I decided to just sleep, but he started to riff his electronic guitar.

Yep, that's my best friend doing his stuff.
Normally I'd joined him but I was so tired.
We love to be loud, even tho we argue who was the coolest.

"Leo, Leo stop playing" I could hear Cancer shout through the noise.

Leo stopped playing and said,  "okay only cause you asked so nicely"

"My number one fan" he teases as I smile plastered on his face.
Leo is  such a flirt.

Cancer didn't like noise mainly at night.
I felt myself drifting off.


The never ending silence didn't give me  a choice but to feel sleepy.
So I counted sheeps.

"Why are you counting sheeps" Scorpio asked.
"Was I counting out loud" I hypothesized as I got up.

"I don't know, you tell me" he retorted as I smiled sheepishly.
"Thought I was the only one" he added.

All of a sudden I felt sleepy.
I rolled back in bed.
"Night" I yawned.


"That's so sweet is him" Cancer gushed at the gift I got from Scorpio.

"I was too, I was thinking of making him a gift in return, but I don't know what" I told Cancer.

"Well it should be sweet and not so sweet, I don't know his so mysterious"   Cancer said cuddling a teddy.

"You're right"  I wailed.
"What about we observe him tomorrow and see what he really likes" Cancer suggested.

"That's great, Cappi  can help too" I clapped my hands.

"Yeah, first thing tomorrow morning" Cancer affirmed.


"Just one more" Sag begged  as I  refused to give her another cucumber.

"Well you know I'm bound to eating them you should  has sliced more, and why didn't you make a mask for me too" she whined sitting on my bed.

"Okay I'll make for you, just  don't eat another please" I pleaded with her

"So who do you think Aries likes" she said out of the blue.

"You know he's just like his friend Leo you never can tell who they like you know always flirting  and all, but why'd you asked" I said as I mixed my mask.

"No reason" she shrugged.
"I know, we asked Taurus he's willing to tell if he knows" I suggested.

"Yeah, that's great" she said rushed to hug me but my mask stopped her.

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