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"Let me make one thing clear" my brother stated, his expression not bearing any disagreement. "You are a god?!"

I sighed. I knew it won't be that easy to explain the details to my brother... he loved fantasy but was terrible at imagining it in reality. "Not entirely and rather a goddess, but close enough"

"And Morpheus, who is the real Morpheus turned you into that? To make his wife?! How does he dare to do that without my permission?!" the anger bubbled in him so well, I felt every wave of it clearly.

I understood why he was mad. After all, I was the younger sibling, the little sister he had always taken care of. Even I had been the first one who had got to know Rebecca.

He deserved to know such thing.

The only difference that neither I knew this part of Morpheus's little plan.

"Listen, Eddie" I gave a sound after what seemed like ages. My heart was as heavy as a rock from the sin of not telling about Morpheus's real being earlier. Especially after our eyes met and his gaze was full with tears. "I'm sure Morpheus wouldn't force me to marry him if I didn't want to. And to make you relax, I won't accept a ring just yet. Rebecca is way more inportant than that"

For a couple of minutes, the man didn't speak. He was just snorting, his eyes directly bypassing mines.

Then, after a couple of moments, he changed his opinion. Right at the same time an incredibly strong wave of emotions hit me right through my body, causing me almost falling back.

The spirited status took over me right away. I could still see and smell, yet feeling the desperate cries took over me entirely. All I could concentrate on were Rebecca's cries for help, full with sorrow and a tiny bit of hope – not to mention feeling some faint dread from Dream.

I knew that they needed me. I was unsure how I'll help, but I knew they needed me.

I turned my gaze toward Eddie, who went pale right after our gazes met. He didn't dare to move as I spoke. "I can feel Rebecca's fear from her prison. I also feel that they need my help"

"And... and what should I do? I have no powers" the man mumbled, legs spreading roots.

"Wait outside. There is a café not far, in the direction of the car" I told him with expression not bearing disagreement. "Sit inside. Order something, so you can stay there and watch this house. But act like you accidentally look this way after a couple of minutes, alright?"

Eddie nodded, gulping nervously. "Will you be okay, Addie? Promise me you won't get hurt... even as a goddess"

The request made me smile. Even though I was still in the spirited state, I couldn't hold back a tight, reassuring hug. His scent also gave me a dose of calmness. "I'll come back in one piece. And with Rebecca on my side. I promise. Now go"


The house didn't seem that old, still, it was as haunted as possible. Not a single soul wandering around except me, a hungry carnivore led by the juicy marks left by the prey.

The cries of help worked like a great compass, showing me the way as I roamed on the endless foyers of the house.

I tried to focus on both Rebecca's and Dream's feelings, so I won't loose the signal for a single moment. At first, it was a pretty difficult task, my head hurting like hell. I even thought about giving up.

However, as soon as I was on the edge of that, a sudden voice, similar to Dream's sister hit me, bringing me back to the task. So I continued just as I had been doing.

After a while, I could hear not only the emotions of those two. Sounds, both terryfied and mad hit my ears, forcing my steps to go even more quiet. I felt my power growing more and more powerful, feeding from the desperate requests to help, making my entire body buzz.

Once I was at the door, from which all the sounds originated, I didn't wait a second: I kicked the door in, facing an unknown, winged, tall woman-like someone standing in front of a small, curled-up human... Rebecca.

She was still alive, still breathing. I still had hope to save her.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" the winged woman asked in a malicious way. Her eyes were sparkling from evilness. She stepped one closer, making my held-back power react with a loud hiss through my palms. She stopped right away. "My my, Morpheus you did a great job to her! Turning her into a new goddess so it won't be that easy to get rid of her"

The mentioned man hurried to my side, standing half in front of me to give protection. I clearly felt the anger and fear mixing in his body. He looked down at me, his brigbt blue gaze worried. "Why did you come here, Addie?! I told you it's dangerous!"

I returned the look with my burning eyes. I couldn't see myself from the outside, however, I bet my eyes were bright white again. "I heard you, Morpheus. I heard both your and Rebecca's emotions. Not to mention Desire's, who kept the spirit in me"

The mentioned sister winked at me with true kindness, not letting the level of seriousness take over her mood. It warmed my heart.

Dream went speechless for a moment. Even when he spoke, he could barely bear a word, his eyes analysing my face. He knew I didn't accept any disagreement. "You have turned that tiny sparkle of my power into a whole new branch of the deities. You have created a whole new goddess, Addie... or should I call you the goddess of feelings?"

I couldn't chuckle on him. I tried, of course, but the power didn't let me loose focus. It kept me tight like a clothing that's too small, only letting a forced smile show on my face.

And oh all the divinities up there, how grateful I am for that. Cause, just as the smile was let loose, I caught the winged woman almost hitting Dream right on the top of his head. I had time to push him aside and hold out my hands above my head to defend her punch.

She wasn't even surprised, though. She simply chuckled, on her malicious way, keep forcing her powerful arm against my thin little toothpicks. Still, I didn't give up. I kept up the eye contact and held my hands as well as I could. "Also fast to react I see! Addie, if I heard right?"

I snored. "What do you want from Rebecca?! Why did you kidnap her?!"

Another chuckle, coming with a powerful push with her arm. I would lie if I told you I wasn't exhausted, yet my power didn't let me. It acted as if it was an entirely new personality in one body, beside my human self.

"I wouldn't have much use with a simple, weak human, to be honest. I just needed the bait to lure in someone else" the winged woman chuckled. As our eyes met, her gaze sparkled in a dangerous way, blood red color filling the two eyes entirely for a moment. I even saw her sharp teeth. "I needed you, young goddess"

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