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But how I will do it, I had no idea.

My mind was spinning like crazy, the cogwheels racing with the speed of light. I had neither weapon nor could I fight, so I only had one plan left beside screaming for help.

My imagination.

I created Draco with my thoughts, after all. All by myself, no help from Morpheus or anyone else. And if I could create a dragon with my mind, I can also give myself some superpower.

So, that's what I did. I made advantage of Tetra having her little speech, approaching slowly like a snake. I tried to concentrate on some sort of extra ability, like blasting fire with my hands.

Some sort of strange tingling told me I was doing right. I just had to keep doing it.

"I'm surprised dear Morpheus isn't with you in every moment" the female snarled. She was then in another form, transformed from the cover of a baby gargoyle.

And let me tell you, that transformation wasn't the most pleasant thing to see. Bones cracking, limbs elongating with the sound of minched meat being squished by hand. Yuck.

"He isn't my babysitter" I replied shortly. I kept up the mad look as a mask to cover what I was really planning inside.

You'll soon get roasted, dear Tetra. I don't care whether you are a demon straight from hell or anything else.

If you hurt my dragon, you're good as dead.

I felt the tingling feeling growing into a clearly sensible burn in the middle of my palms. Yet, with no fire – just yet. My head hurt so bad, it was like thousand of knives had been stabbed into it, in and out endlessly.

Still, I kept going. The growing power motivated me beside seeing Tetra becoming one with the thin air.

"Well, he's doing pretty bad if he is really planning to put the ring onto your finger" the woman chuckled with pure negativity dripping from her voice.

Aha. So people, or creatures or whatever living things live in other realms had been gossiping about Morpheus keeping me here to marry me.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Really – it was morbid as just can be in such situation, but I couldn't help myself, to everyone's surprise.

"Okay, okay, I get it now" I chuckled. "You want to get rid of me because you think Morpheus wants to marry me, right?"

Tetra nodded after a moment of puzzlement.

"Well, your spies gave you false information, sorry to destroy your dreams" I waved, laughing even more. The same time my hands began resonating – not fire blasting, but better than nothing. "It was a simple case of business. He needed my help and in return, he let me hang out here since the human world is as flat as a piece of paper"

And with the moment I had finished my explanation, a different kind of chill swished through my entire body, my hands pulsating from the imagined power roaming inside. My heart was in a race with the speed of light, blood rushing through my veins and into my head. My eyes were burning as I aimed toward the creature gasping at me.

I didn't know what power I created for myself, to be entirely honest with you. All I knew that I wanted revenge for Draco, for Abel, for Goldie and... for Morpheus. For causing him even more problems.

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