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The car was hurrying along the city in a sharp rhythm.

The driver was Eddie, no matter how much I resisted of him coming with us. After all, it was the Ruler of the Underworld we are talking about. Who knows what kind of supernatural powers they had? Even I, myself was afraid, who had developed my own power thanks to Dream's sand left on me.

Not to mention the siblings being nervous. It wasn't some sort of movie or childish fantasy game. It was a serious crime, just to bug Morpheus even more.

"Did you say Bakery Corner Street?" Eddie inquired as he took a right turn. He was not himself, anxious and disorganised. Not the funny man who has his own plans.

"I saw a huge, wooden gate. Maybe made from pine, if I saw well" I replied, analysing the surrounding houses for the searched one.

My brother nodded, but didn't say a word. He rather mumbled in himself nervously, squeezing my heart in pain. I was on the edge of crying, the tears burned my eyes.

"But why Rebecca?" Morpheus thought out loud from the backseats. I took a look at him via the driving mirror. He was deep in his thoughts.

"I have no idea, Baby Brother" Desire shrugged, taking a deep breath. She turned her gaze at him. "But one thing for sure. It is a move against you"

Dream took a quick look at his sister, then sank back to his thoughts.

I had a very bad feeling of why this had been happening to us. I could even describe it with one word: me.

Just think about it. If I didn't meet Dream, he wouldn't develop feelings toward me and vica versa. He hadn't told me anything about Lucifer until the crime happened – thinking that they are both two inmortal god-like creatures, not disturbing the other. However, since I had appeared in his life, he had to face multiple plus difficulties: first Tetra, now Lucifer Morningstar.

It all had gone this way because of me. Because I let myself fall in love with a god and disturb his full attention. I made him vulnerable.

A tear rolled down my cheek without me noticing it. I quickly wipped it off, before anyone could have noticed.

Not long after, a familiar looking gate appeared in front of us, not far away. I straightened my back right away, pointing at the gate, excited. "That's the gate! That's the gate I saw!"

"Then I'll search a parking lot" my brother replied, immediately beginning the search for a free place.

"Park the car a bit far from the gate" Morpheus ordered Eddie with an expression that didn't bear contradiction. His bright blue gaze was sparkling with determination.

He had a plan. I knew that from the moment our eyes met and he squeezed my tiny palm.

My brother seemed hesitant at first, yet he said what Morpheus had told him. I saw the incomprehension in his eyes as we the car stopped, but I couldn't tell him that we had been travelling with two gods who knew well the level of the threat and had superpowers.

I only squeezed his hand as we began our way to the gate.

Dream and Desire went in the front, their gaze eager at every moving detail. I walked after them, beside my brother, guarding him from any kind of incoming attack. I tried to use my power, to detect anyone's emotions nearby, but I felt no stranger's presence.

We strolled along an inside yard and into the house itself. It had the same sort of gate, as a warning sign to tell us it wasn't safe – no matter how peaceful it looked like. I gulped as we entered the building.

Especially, since I felt an incredibly powerful wave of mixed emotions hitting me right in the face. I almost fell back – if it wasn't for Desire this time. She noticed just in time, holding me until his brother could take my helpless, dangling body.

I felt as my head twitched, as if it was glitched. The only scene I saw from the presence there was Eddie examining me with pure horror, with wide eyes.

"What is happening to my sister?!" he asked with his voice on the edge of crying.

He wanted to come closer, but Desire held him back. The woman gave him a serious look. "You may not believe this, or even me and my brother, but your sister is having an episode"

"An episode?" this just made him even more nervous.

"She can sense emtions, Eddie" Morpheus replied as he pulled me closer to him, patting my head gently. I felt how cold his long fingers were – he was anxious. He gave me a kiss on the head before speaking again. "I don't know if Rebecca has told you, but me and Desire aren't simple humans... and Addie has developed this ability of hers thanks to my eagerness"

My brother couldn't speak for a second. Then, as he spoke, he rather seemed mad. "What do you mean your eagerness?"

"I needed a woman to help me rebuild my kingdom in the dreamland, that part was true" Morpheus went on, hugging me as the emotions were swirling all over my head, slowly falling to their belonged places. "But the truth is... I was looking a wife, too. And this rushed her into danger. I had to develop the little spark I accidentally left inside her so she can defend herself if I'm not there..."

"Wait a moment" Eddie held up his hand, as if this speech was more important than the entire research. "Did you say you have been planning to marry her all along?"

Dream took a deep breath. The mortal man probably didn't get the fact that Morpheus was as old as time and didn't force himself on me.

"Boys, we don't have time to bite throats" Desire stood between the two, holding out her hand in the two directions to prevent a fight. "Look at her, she almost collected the pieces!"

Every pair of eyes turned to me. And in that very moment, my eyes burned with sensation as my mouth spoke. "She's here. But Lucifer is with her, as well... I can feel both Rebecca's sadness, homesickness, fear and Lucifer's pride and malice"

The siblings nodded with serious looks, changing a quick glance before helping me stand on my knees. My steps were still wobbling, I needed Eddie no to fall back.

"Are you okay, Addie?" my brother inquired as he held me, patting my cheek softly.

As I turned my gaze at him, I saw how afraid he was. How lost because I hadn't told him an important detail of my new self, still playing the big brother. I could barely fight down the lumping in my throat.

"I-I am" I tried smiling, even though I still felt like a pile of poop. Vulnerable and weak. I couldn't show him nore weakness, he had already suffered way too much... because of me.

"You two, stay here" Desire directed her right index finger at us. Then, she took a daring, brave look at her brother, the desire to take revenge burning in her eyes. "We'll get Rebecca out of there. Addie, make sure to tell him every detail... he deserves it"

And with that, the goddess grabbed her brother's lokg fingers, pulling him after herself. We had nor the time, neither the perfect situation to give at least a goodbye kiss to the other, what twisted my heart entirely.

The only fact that gave me some kind of relief was the incredibly strong wave of desire to return to me, radiating from those so beloved, bright blue eyes – before disappearing in the long corridor.

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