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"Aren't you just a big bad idiot?" The girl taunted, jumping from tree to tree easily, circling us from above. Just moments before I had planned to attack some invisible person in front of me, only to have my head smashed into a tree from behind.

I growled up at her, and tried to climb a tree but my lengthened claws and bare feet made it very difficult. I slid down the trunk pathetically and landed on the ground. I give up! I don't want to be an alpha! I don't want to be here right now!

I heard the guys behind me yelp cautiously, but I ignored them. My dad would have known what to do.

But if my dad was killed by this girl's students, doesn't that mean she could easily kill us also? Leave my pack to deteriorate, fall to the ground without a leader? I don't even have a goddamn mate.

"Did she shove your head too hard? Yas, my shapeshifting parakeet, doesn't seem to like you all that much." A soft and delicate hand rested on my chin and tilted it upwards towards an angelic face. Everything suddenly didn't matter. No pack, no parents, no forest. Just this bright angelic figure and I alone in the world.

A tingly feeling exploded under the area where she grabbed my face, and I'd be shitting you if I said it didn't feel good. It felt great, amazing even! I unconsciously grabbed her hand and pressed it against my jawline, cupping it with my own. She has warm hands. I instantly love her hands, so smooth and slender.

My one hand that was covering hers suddenly felt like it was on fire. The good kind of fire, sparkling and warm. It sent a shudder down my spine, my heart started beating faster and I breathed deeply, inhaled her flowery scent.

"Boy." John called sternly. He sounded far, far away.

I slowly started coming back to reality. No! Not her! It can't be her! She killed my parents... She's...

"She's a witch!"

"Kill it with fire!"

"Alpha get away! It might hurt you!"

The men were already trying to pry her away from me. I growl deeply and snarl up at them.

"Let. Go." The men obviously hesitated. They slowly let go of her and stepped away, obeying the alpha tone.

She was silent, watching the whole ordeal go down with a strange and far away glint in her eye, still clinging to my hand. Maybe I was the one clinging to her... I know she could help me somehow, yet I have no idea how or why.

I obviously know how the pack community can vote me off for unreasonable and/or unfairly leadership. My father set up this type of government many years ago and it ran smoothly, like a democracy.

Does bringing your father's murderer to your pack count as unreasonable and/or unfair leadership?

Does bringing your father's murderer to your pack and introducing her as your mate count as unreasonable and/or unfair leadership?

I think so.

But do I care at the moment?


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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