76 ~ Vulnerabilities

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Harry's. Since Umbridge found only us two, only us two were punished. I'm relieved that Blaise, Clara, and Fred are all right. Of course, I'm happy everyone else has been unharmed, but with those three especially.

Our new Headmistress gave us twelve hours of lines with her stupid fucking quills. Every two hours she'd give us blood-replenishing potions to "help us along." I could punch a wall with how much anger I felt. If only I weren't so tired, and if my hand wasn't throbbing in pain. She took us straight from the office to her classroom where we sat until four in the morning doing those stupid fucking lines with those stupid fucking quills.

That's where you find us now, Harry and I, slumping down the halls towards the common room. Finally, we get to the common room after what feels like ages and mumble the password, stepping through.

As soon as the door opens there's a rush to the door. Fred, Blaise, Clara, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and George surround us. A string of questions flow from their mouths, but Harry and I remain silent. I hold up my bloody bandaged arm which renders them all silent.

Fred walks towards me, wrapping his arms around me. I lean into him completely and I let out built-up tears flow down freely. "I'm so tired," I mumble into his shirt. "Me duele mi manita. (My hand hurts.)"

"Let's get you up to bed, Serena," Blaise says.

I look at him through blurry vision. "Why didn't you go back to your dorm?"

"I couldn't leave not knowing if you were okay," he whispers.

"I'm fine."

"You're crying," Clara states. "Shite. You both are. Ginny, grab Harry."

I look over to Harry to indeed find tears flowing down his eyes, but in those tears, a sudden rage burns in his eyes. I feel him push the rage through our connection and his rage meets mine. We lock eyes. Not a word has to be said to understand that that bitch is going to pay.

"Do you mind if I crash here?" Blaise asks George. He nods his head.

"I'll stay here in the common room with you, Zabini," Clara says, taking out her wand and transfiguring the couch into a mattress with blankets and pillows. Blaise smiles and starts taking off his robes and transfiguring them into pajamas.

Ron and Ginny take Harry up to his dorm, followed by Hermione.

"Come on, time for bed," Fred says, picking me up bridal style and taking me up the stairs toward his dorm. George follows. The four-bed bedroom is empty. Fred notices I notice and whispers, "The other two left for early Auror training camp which only leaves us." He places me on one of the beds, sitting me up as he takes my sweater off.

"What about Lee?"

"He sleeps in the other dorm along with the three others," George says, taking my bandaged hand in his. He peels it off and pulls out a small kit from his trunk.

"What is that?" I ask.

"A small medi-witch kit," he says, rummaging through it. "You'd be surprised how much we hurt ourselves in the process of our pranks." He cleans my hand with water, then pours three drops of a purple potion. It stings and makes me clench my hand, but soon it stops bleeding. He wraps a clean bandage around my hand. "I don't have anything for pain, but I'll change your bandage every two hours alright... I'll be back in a bit, gonna go see how bad Harry's hand is."

He places a small kiss on the top of my head and leaves. The room falls into a heavy silence as I struggle to take off my shoes. Fred comes and does it for me. He helps me undress and gives me one of his shirts and one of his sweatpants. He crawls into bed, settling in next to me, holding me close to his chest. After a minute I feel his shoulders moving and a sniffle comes from him.

The One For Me ~ Fred Weasley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now