17 ~ I'm Safe

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The room is bigger than I am used to, but big enough to house five girls. The beds are evenly placed in a u-shaped way, leaving space in the middle which is occupied by a small coffee table. Luckily for me, my bed is next to the biggest window in the room.

What makes it all feel so surreal is the way the room is decorated. Lined with scarlet red and gold. Our house crescent and personal touches from the girls that bring a sense of home. A fireplace opposite of my bed that allows warmth to seep into the walls. The small coffee table that is already filled with books. Must have been Hermione.

I can't wipe the smile off my face.

Home. This will be my home.

The relief I feel when I realize I'm sharing a room with Hermione is immense. Along with Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Clara Kingswood.

Lavender is interesting. A little too joyful for me, but all in good ways. I haven't seen that much joy in a person's body my whole life.

Parvati is sweet. Her smile was the first thing I noticed. It brought me a sense of direction.

Clara is curious. A lovely and charming person, but there is definitely more to her than what she shows. I can feel it burning through her eyes.

I make all my acquaintances and start getting ready for bed.


I can't sleep. My mind wanders every corner and unmarked memory in my head. Loud thoughts keep me awake in every way possible. All my past lessons, encounters, and scenarios float through my head freely.

I toss and turn, almost waking up Hermione who sleeps in the bed next to me. I finally decided to get up and do something. I slip on my slippers and wrap myslef in my blanket. I make my way down to the common room, creeping quietly. Careful not to wake someone up.

Sitting on the couch I look around and admire the common room. It's decorated similarly to our rooms, but with more Gryffindor pride, you could say. The fire gives a small glow to the room. I find myself standing in front of the window. Rain pounds on the window and I can only stare out. Lost in all my thoughts. Nothing in particular, but just thinking.

For the first time in months I finally let myself come to the realization of everything. A wave of grief and homesickness swim throughout my whole body planting itself firmly in the forefront of my mind.

I burst out into tears. A sense of safety and security hangs all around me and the only I can do is cry. All I can do is cry. I've never felt so safe in my life. It's new, overwhelming and nothing that I'm used to.

I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm safe.

I repeat those words to myself until they come out as a prayer. A prayer I never imagined I would pray.

I cry so much to the point my sternum hurts. It aches and pleads me to stop, but I can't. I'm safe and I refuse to believe it. I'm safe and I don't know how to comprehend it. I'm safe, but I feel as if it's all going to leave. I'm safe and I can't, but think that in a blink of an eye I'll go back to being abused by Zander. I'm safe and I don't know how to function. I don't know how to feel safe. I'm safe. . .

I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I flinch and pull away, putting my hands over my head, thinking it's Zander, drunk out of his mind, wanting to let out all of his anger. I spin around shaking in fear, terrified.

"Fred," I say, choking on my tears along with terror rattling my bones. I wipe away my tears, but there's no use. My cheeks are puffed and my eyes are stained a light red. My whole body is shaking.

"I'm safe, Fred," I say holding my hand over my mouth. "I-I'm safe." He stares intensely at me, slowly approaching. Tears pour out my eyes.

"I'm safe." He grabs both of my shoulders and slowly pulls me into a tight hug. The smell of wood overflows my olfaction.

"I'm safe. I have to be safe," I say, crying into his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him in even more. He strokes my hair and rubs my back. I sob into his chest even more. Everything feels numb. Everything feels like a dream where Fred is the only thing bringing me back to reality with every breath he takes.

"I'm safe, Fred," I whimper.

"Yes. Yes you are," he whispers into the top of my head. He walks me to the couch and we both sit down. I can't let go of him. He's the reality. The reality where I'm safe. He pulls me in and holds me closer.

"You're safe, Serena. I promise. You're safe,'' he says stroking my hair. "No one will hurt you. I won't let it happen," we sat in silence with my occasional light shuddering and deep inhales. He pulls me off his chest and looks deeply into my eyes.

"He hits you, doesn't he?" My face floods with shock. I start scratching my arm and look away not wanting to give him a definite answer. "Serena, does he hit you?" he asks, sternly with a hint of rage in the back of his voice. I nod.

"He used to," I whisper.

"Used to?"

"He died about a year ago." My eyes meet his. He searches through mine. "How did you?"

"Know? How did I know?" he questions. "You were able to talk to my mum and everyone else perfectly fine, but then my father gave you that hug. I guess I just kind of knew." I drag in a ragged deep breath. "Then now. You flinched and put your hands up as if I was going to hurt you." I look away more tears streaming down my puffed cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I-I just- just," I mutter, not able to finish my sentence.

"I'm sorry?" he whispers. "I'm sorry?" he says, dragging his hand over the scars on my shoulder. I shiver under his touch. He pulls me into another hug. "You're not the one who should be apologizing. Serena, I promise you're safe. I promise." 

The One For Me ~ Fred Weasley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now