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now playing..

"Never Meant"
-American Football

October 2nd, 2006

It's been a few days after Alex called you and said Brian's gone. You could only assume the worst.

It's that soul-crushing moment when you realize he's gone. Gone for good. That is the moment that makes your toes curl and you think to yourself what you did wrong; what he did wrong. The person you put your life into, the person who made you promise never to leave and who even promised it himself. The person who you trusted and put everything into hoping you would get the same in return.

The person you loved, cared for. He somehow managed to just get up and leave. You were willing to do everything you could to support him and love him. In fact, that's exactly what you did. you loved him, you took care of him, you put your entire being and existence into him. You were willing to do anything just to see him smile. Seeing him happy made you happy.

The two of you were so perfect; so why did it end so horribly? it physically hurts you to think about him. Everything reminds you of him. Even your own body. You remember exactly the way he would play fight with you, hug you, mess with you, its burned into your head. The thing that hurts you the most is the thought of him doing all of that to somebody else, if he isn't dead.

Then it hurts. It hurts more than the worst pain you've ever felt. It hurts because it's real in a world of numb and fake. It hurts because you know the feelings he made you feel will evaporate faster than the tears that have already dried on your cheeks.

       It hurts because you know you'll forget the way he made you feel, and one day, if you ever feel it again, it will come back. It'll come back like a rainbow after a storm, only to whither fast like a butterfly in the fading autumn cold.

June 10th, 2013


      You couldn't believe your eyes. You were actually seeing him, in the screen, albeit the masked version of him, but still him nonetheless.

     What the hell is he doing?

     "What the.." Tim muttered as the screen showed Brian, with the mask on, seemingly just living his day to day life in that wretched concrete building that you were all too familiar with.

      You couldn't bear to think that he went back to that place. But he had to. He had nowhere else to go. He couldn't just pop out of nowhere in front of the guys after years of being gone.

The second half of the video shows Brian sneaking around your home at night, you could see the silhouette of yourself in the window before the tape ends.

"What the hell." Charlie mutters as he replays the video to see any lurking details as to who the masked man is. You kept quiet.

You wanted nothing more than to keep Brian safe. Even if that meant lying to your friends and brother.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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