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now playing

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now playing..


April 5th, 2012

Silence is a rather serene thing, even between two people such as yourselves. Brian's eyes wouldn't leave you. Not once.

You had picked up on this, of course.

  "Brian." You stated his name rather nonchalantly, in a state of just staring at the concrete floor—not thinking too much.

  His lack of a reply snapped you out of your little zoning out trance, your eyes following up to his.


  "I'm not used to being called that, anymore."

      You let your lips form into that of an expression of understanding, a semi frown inhabiting your face.

   "I didn't think you'd keep that bracelet. Thought it was long gone by now, eh?" A small chuckle left your lips as you leaned against the wall, eyes closing as a smile lingered on your lips for a few seconds more.

       A moment of silence besides the singing birds and ruffling leaves falls upon the two of you before Brian breaks it, eyes averting from you now.

  "It kept me sane."

      Such few words, but with so much meaning behind them. You wanted to speak more to him, though that option seemed limited because of your fear of driving him off somewhere.

    Your name rolls off of his tongue, snapping you out of your seemingly never-ending thoughts.

    Your eyes met his.

  "I am," he paused for only a moment. "corrupt." His eyes seemed to stare into you—him being fully vulnerable to you. "If you haven't gathered that already."

"Oh, tell me about it.." you rolled your eyes, a scoff leaving your mouth. "It's not like you literally blacked out and woke up with a stab wound or anything."

"It's also not like I myself woke up after devouring that of a human fucking corpse." Your words seemed to linger in the concrete building.

Brian's chest is littered with scars, new ones and old ones. Ones you recognized and ones you didn't. You wanted to just let your fingers run across the rough skin, already knowing the tingles it would send down his spine.

    "How was it, by the way? The food?"

  It almost felt like a joke—but his eyes portrayed his morbidly teasing words. A part of you felt honest-to-God pissed off.
  "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

   "You heard me."

      You couldn't believe that was the face of the same man you knew those years ago.

"You son of a bitch."

   You didn't feel like you were in your right mind at all—which is exactly why you lunged forwards towards him, grasping at his neck.

      "Say that shit again, say it!" You nearly stumbled as the chain tried pulling you back to the wall. Each breath that swells his rib cage is one of a smug feeling. He knows you can't win.

      He didn't fight back, simply just lightly held at your wrists until you eventually wore yourself out. His back sat against the concrete wall, your legs sat on either side of his.

       Your throat hitched as you tried to regain your composure, heavy breaths leaving your lips. That definitely took a lot out of you after not being active at all for the last month.

     "You done?"

    "Shut up."

     He gently pried your hands from his neck, blue eyes boring into your own—his expression that of one you couldn't read.

    You simply just stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, you just couldn't look away.

    "Brian.." you mumbled, still out of breath as his hands still gripped onto your wrists. Your head hung low, catching your breath.

    He simply looked at you, his expression completely unreadable as you looked back at him.

      He let go of your wrists, your shaky hands landing on his bare shoulders—which you didn't mean to do. Your lip twitched as your face felt hot, the silence feeling thick.

       You could feel hands pressing against your hips, surprising you. You didn't know what to say, if anything at all. He didn't speak, only staring at you without a moment of doubt.

     You're mentally unstable, obviously, and clearly have a lot of issues going on up there in your noggin.

    Which is exactly why you decided to have your 'fuck it' moment and press your lips against those of a murderer.

𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝 // 𝑀𝐻Where stories live. Discover now