Chapter 20: Nightmares

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I left you another gift at the place where a fallen angel once lied.

Kimmy and Sherlock had finally managed to decode Moriarty's message. Unfortunately, Sherlock had no idea what Moriarty could have meant. Kimmy struggled to stay awake while the detective searched the internet with anything involving fallen angels: statues that fell off of buildings, statues that had been removed from parks, things of that sort. If he had found anything, he hadn't told her.

Surly Moriarty doesn't know about Weeping Angels? she wondered, feeling her eyes grow heavy. Is it possible that he somehow made a deal with the monsters and is leading us into a trap?

"Kimmy!" Sherlock called, making her jump.

"Did you find something?" she asked, sitting up.

"I asked if you were tired," he said. "You clearly are. I've been using John's old room as storage, so you'll have to sleep in my room. It's at the end of the hall."

Kimmy shook her head as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "No, I'll be fine on the couch. You can sleep in your own room."

"I don't sleep while on a case," Sherlock stated simply. "Now go."

Too tired to argue any more, Kimmy stood and walked down the hallway. She'd expected Sherlock's room to be messy like the rest of 221B, but the room was nearly spotless. She sat down on the edge of the bed long enough to kick her shoes off, then lay down and pulled the thin blanket over herself. She hadn't even gotten comfortable before she fell asleep.


Wind stung Kimmy's eyes as she stood on the short wall, looking at the four people in front of her. Sherlock, Mary, and the doctor all knelt, bound and gagged, between Kimmy and a man she had never seen before but somehow knew was Jim Moriarty. He stood with an awful grin on his face and a terrifying light in his dark eyes, as if he was truly enjoying himself. "You can still save them, Kimberly," he said in the same singsong voice he had used when he called her. "All you have to do is jump."

She looked over her shoulder at the ground below. Just like she had somehow known that Moriarty was the person talking to her, she knew that they were on the roof of Bart's. The Reichenbach Fall, she thought, recalling the case she'd read about so many times. Moriarty was trying to recreate the Fall, but this time with Kimmy taking Sherlock's place.

"I'm not going to wait all day, Kimberly," Moriarty announced, making her look back at him. The grin had left his face and was starting to look bored. He pulled a pistol out of his jacket pocket and pointed it at the Doctor's head. "I'm going to count to five. If you haven't jumped by then, the Doctor dies. Then I'll move to Sherlock and we'll start over." Kimmy looked over her shoulder again. It seemed like the building was even taller than t had been a moment earlier.

"One." She looked back at the Doctor. The Time Lord was shaking his head as if telling her not to jump. She knew that if it hadn't been for the tape over his mouth, he would have tried to talk Moriarty out of this. She supposed she could try to do that same, but she wasn't the Doctor; she'd only get them killed quicker.

"Two." Kimmy's eyes drifted to her mother. Mary was what Kimmy had come to think of as 'scary calm'—the kind of calm a person was right before they snapped. If John's stories about Mary held any truth, then Mary could have easily saved them if she'd been in any condition to fight. Kimmy wasn't Mary; she wouldn't stand a chance if she tried to fight Moriarty.

"Three." Kimmy looked at Sherlock. The detective was also calm, but not scary calm. He seemed to be trying to deduce what she was going to do. He'd been in her shoes before and had survived by outsmarting Moriarty. Even then, he'd had Molly, Mycroft, and his homeless network helping him. Kimmy had none of that.

"Four." She looked back at Moriarty. The consulting criminal's smile had returned, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. As if he knew that there was no way she could beat him.

Before she could lose her nerve, Kimmy closed her eyes and stepped backwards. Gravity took over and pulled her towards the ground. A scream forced its way out of her mouth as she fell, which. Over the sound of her cry, she could hear Moriarty's horrifying laughter.

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