Halloween Part 1

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A couple weeks later...

"Should I be jealous?" Lily giggled after Noah told Olivia he wanted to hang out with Calvin today.

"Aw, he just wants to get to know his new big brother." Olivia laughed lightly as she picked up her youngest son, who was dressed in a Lightning McQueen costume, Lily a witch.

"Well guess I can tell the girls we're back up for Halloween horror movie night." Lily grinned as she pulled out her phone.

"Now I don't need to tell you to be careful, right." Olivia smirked resulting in a giggle from Lily

"Come on Olivia! You know me better than that!"

They both laughed as Olivia wrapped her in a one arm hug as Noah was being held in the other.

"I know Lily, I'm just teasing you! Have fun sweetie, What movie are you going to see by the way?"

"Halloween Kills." Lily hugged her back before heading to the door giving Olivia and Noah a wave before heading out.

"Alright Noah..." Olivia bounced the little boy on her hip as she picked up her purse and Noah's backpack and candy bag and headed for the door.

"Are you ready to spend some time with Calvin?"

...At the park...

"Alright Stella, Luna remember to behave yourselves. You want to make a good impression in front of mom and Noah."

Stella gave a whine of mock disappointment, while Luna just layed on the ground next to her sister yawning before giving a slight merp in agreement.

"I know I don't have to worry about you Luna..." Calvin patted her head receiving a lick in return.

"But you Stella!" He booped her nose "You tend to get a little too excited-Ouf!" He was interrupted when she jumped on him and started licking his cheek...her tail wagging like crazy.

Yep that's right! Stella and Luna are Calvin's dogs.

Stella is a beautiful red nose pit bull with white and light brown fur, and a very 'very' playful personality while Luna is the most laid back and lazy Rottie you'll ever meet. Both wearing bow collars, Stella's pink and Luna's blue. While both dogs have different personalities, they are still very well trained and extremely protective of Calvin as he had had them since they were nine weeks old. He wanted two dogs, a pit and a rottie, people told him he was crazy because of that pitbull stereotype, but he quickly proved them wrong. In fact Luna is so well trained that she doesn't even need a leash...Stella on the other hand...

Stella also has a habit of bringing dead animals to Calvin and sneaking them into the apartment...she had even managed to sneak in a freakin 'bat!


"Oh My God! Stella! How did you even manage to sneak that thing in here?!"

Calvin had a broom in one hand and his phone in the other recording.

"I can't believe I'm actually recording this but I know no one will believe me if I don't. So yeah my dog Stella somehow managed to sneak a freakin Bat into my apartment!"

He turned the camera to Stella to look oddly proud of what she did.

"Stella! Why?!" He then turned to Luna who was just laying on the couch giving him a look like, Don't look at me I'm not touching that thing.

"And Luna's no help at all."

Turns camera back to the bat still laying on the floor in the kitchen

"I don't even know if this thing is still alive or not..." Calvin spoke as he inched the stick of the broom closer to the bat.

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