Overprotective Hunter

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Maybe I should call her one more time just to check up.

It's literally been only an hour and Hunter was already worrying, though considering all the trouble she's gotten into you can't really blame the poor guy.

Come on! Hunter man calm down! She hasn't even gotten to the dangerous part...

Hunter was walking around the street trying to keep from heading straight to the hospital...not even knowing that that is the 'exact' direction he's heading in...until he found himself standing at the entrance.

Crap! Nice going Hunter!...Liv's gonna kill me.

"Hunter? What are you doing here?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see Calvin standing in front of him carrying a large bag most likely filled with his art supplies and his as well as others' homework. While they were talking just before Oliva was called in, Calvin explained how he had gotten a spot at Pratt Institute as an art major and is also taking a course as a teaching assistant...so why is he in front of Mercy Hospital.

"I should be asking you the same question, kid." Hunter tried to play it cool...and he succeeded as Calvin let out a small chuckle.

"I just found out from one of my classmates that one of my friends fell off his motorcycle a few days ago, so I decided to come here and check up on him."

"That's real nice of ya kid."

Then Calvin gave him a sly grin

"And to tell him 'I told you so'."

"Ouch! Poor guy.'' Now it was Hunter's turn to chuckle.

"Your turn."

Crap! So much for that plan!

Hunter turned to the ground, his face going red as he scratched the back of his neck.


Calvin stared at him confused...before it clicked and he gave Hunter an evil grin.

"And I thought Elliot was the only one overprotective of mom."

Hunter's face was now redder than a tomato.


"Hey Zeke." Calvin leaned against the doorway of his friend's hospital room giving him a smirk.

"Calvin?!" His face flushed red

"Yelp! This is embarrassing." he scratched the back of his head with the arm that wasn't currently in a cast, as Calvin walked in closing the door behind him.

Hunter on the other hand headed off to where he knew Olivia would be, not intending to interfere...just keep watch, and once found he just stuck in the waiting room trying to stay out sight while also keeping Olivia in his.

...Yelp! He failed completely because 10 minutes later...


Olivia was pulling him away by the ear, looking very pissed as she pulled him into an empty room and glared at him intently as he gulped.

I'm screwed!

"Explain now."

"Ok before you say anything I swear I was not intending to interfere in any I was just...just..." He raised his hands in defense trying to think of a good excuse.

"Being your usual overprotective self." She said bluntly, Hunter sunk in defeat.


Olivia took a deep breath pinching the bring of her nose before giving Hunter a stern look.

"We'll talk about this when we get home, I have two victims to question." and she left, leaving Hunter alone to think about how much he screwed up.


"Jasmine and Blythe Wilson, I'm Sergeant Benson and this is my partner detective Tamin."

Neither of them looked at her, Jasmine was hugging her sister as Blythe had her face buried in her sister's chest, because of that Olivia could already sense that this was going to be hard.

"Ok, my friend and I would like to ask you a couple of questions-"

"Go away." Jasmine spoke quick and rudely

"Um...girls we just-"

"I said go away! We don't have anything to say to you!" she shouted this time glaring at them angrily.

Olivia turned to Kat for a moment trying to think of what to do next, there was a throat clearing at the door and both turned to see a police officer motion for them to come outside, and they followed.

"See what I mean?" he said to them

"You were right this is going to be tough." Olivia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"They refuse to talk to anyone...and I know I'm not a detective, but I do have a theory."

"And that would be?" she raised an eyebrow in interest.

He then went to explain his theory about the overkill, and the possibility of threatening the girls into keeping quiet.

"It's not the first time we've dealt with this kind of situation and it's always very difficult to get them to talk once threatened...and after what we just saw in there." she took a deep breath and exhaled

"It's clear they won't be talking to us anytime soon."

"So Liv, what do we do?" Kat asked

"We'll just have to work with what we can get from the evidence and pray that with time they'll be willing to talk."

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