Rescue and reunited

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It was dawn and princess was still on her bed, still crying.

The goods guys and Diane, peeking through her door, they all looked at each other with worried for princess.

And In her trash can was the drawing of mr. Bat crumpled up.

"She's been in bed all day" wolf whispered to Diane.

"She's still hurting from what happened" snake added.

"Well of course she is, you know how sensitive princess heart is" Diane said.

Then wolf opens princess door and he walks inside her room then he bends down to her head.

"Hey princess" he whispered as he strokes her head softly then the cat crawled around her and nudge princess head.

Princess removes her head form her pillow to look up at wolf.

"Hey listen we're going to go, we have to go find your dad, professor marmalade is here"

Professor marmalade pushes through the bad guys and walked inside princess room.

"He's going to watch you ok"

"Sure, fine, whatever, I just don't want to do anything with that man"

Wolf walks away when professor marmalade gets on princess bed and sits next to her, petting her head for comfort.

"Keep an eye on her professor marmalade...let's go"

But when the guys left, Thomas came out between two bushes, he smiled when he saw the bad guys leaves then he walks up to the door, knocking on it.

"Huh" professor marmalade heard the door then he jumps off the bed.

"Hang on princess I'll be right back"

But when he walks downstairs and opens the door, he saw there was no one.

"Hello?" He steps out for a minute then he gets grabbed by Thomas he puts a rag with Melatonin over his mouth and nose, knocking him out.

"Hehehe" Thomas chuckles as he holds marmalade by his shirt and sets him on the kitchen table as he looks up at the stairs and smiles sinisterly.

"Oh princess....daddy's home"

And as he walks upstairs slowly, outside the mansion, a truck loaded with apples passed by and mr. Bat and sanded jumps out, they were in their normal clothes.

Mr. Bat looks around then he goes straight to the door, he saw that it open.

"It's here, Thomas is here, no doubt" mr. Bat says as he walks inside, he sees on the table marmalade was sleeping.

"He's inside" mr. Bat whispered.

Then in princess room, as she was still crying, she finally gets up and wipes off her tears.

Then she heard her door open, she gets up then she turns around to see her dad prowling towards her.

"AH, father" princess got startled as she scattered back on her bed.

"Hello princess" he says in a vicious tone.

"What are you doing here"

"Why to see you my dear...I'm just getting back what belonged to me"

And when he got closer, he jumped on the bed, but she quickly got away.


"No stay away from me"

She ran out of the room, Thomas Lola back at her and growls.

Then he chased her, they went in the living room, she looks back and grabs the ping vase and threw it at him.

THE BAD GUYS in: Befriending the criminal Where stories live. Discover now