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The prince was stolen in the middle of the night, right from the impenetrable fortress which had been his home for mere months, while he slept soundly in his golden cradle. The picture of innocence. The castle, which had been the symbol of strength and security throughout the kingdom, with its daunting walls and prowling sentinels, could not protect the babe from his fate on that dark eve. In the blackness of midnight, when thieves did what they did best, the beloved baby boy who had been prayed for by so many was taken without a trace. Like a series of dominoes, the Kingdom fell. In the span of one forsaken night, the Kingdom lost its heir, the Queen her sanity, the King his grip on power. In a blink, the dynasty which was thought to be untouchable, the land which was thought to be evergreen, and the stability in their Kingdom which had been taken for granted by too many, saw their first crack that night, which was deemed by all to be the beginning of the end. 

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