CH.03 to 04 Luxanna Crownguard and the Kingdoms of Illyria

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Luxanna Crownguard and the Kingdoms of Illyria The 1st WAR


Luxanna Crownguard and the Battle of the Two RED GENERALS


"DISCLAIMER" ~ I do not own the characters or settings of all fictional characters used in this story and I am only creating this story for entertainment purposes.


it's been 9 days since the traumatic events that stood happening in the nearby border Kingdoms of Illyria. Demacia is at peace at least for the moment with the courtroom hall being filled with a lot of discussions about the 1st week of the war. Command Officer of the Holy Order, Ky Kiske begins discussing thoroughly the reports about whats going on lately to King Jarvhan IV, current ruler of Demacia, as they discuss further about the next mission of their beloved comrades on the next defenses.

Meanwhile, Luxanna was seen hovering around the hall happily after she was nourished back to health 4 days after the training camp incident. Speaking to Oliver Queen, also known as Green Arrow, allied mercenary working under Figaro Kingdom of King Edgar's place, who just escorted her, worried about his friend wounded badly from what just happened that took place near her hometown. There were discussing first on how Luxanna got her wounds tended by some people she never met before as they befriended Garen's lil sibling, telling her stories of how she was be able to get along with her new friends: Celes Cheres and the Castelo Outpost who were long friends of Allen Schezar and her brother Garen Crownguard, getting to know the crew who came to their aid, Then a day later they celebrated their victory coming alongside her gradual ceremony.

"Are you sure you are not traumatized to what just happened during the day of your final exam, Luxanna?" Oliver asks.

"nuh-uh" Says Luxanna as she smiles at him feeling no fear inside of her but excitement.

"That to be franked was a horrifying but on the brighter side was a bright experience!" says Luxanna

"Hah? Having no doubt of with that kind of respond?" Oliver says " You know I already told you many times you could only lived for once, Luxanna. And there's a fine line between daring and trying unrealistic things ya know"

"WHAT!? AW COME ON, OLIVER!" Luxanna pouts in response "I'm not at fault here, I was fending myself alone by those guys by the sudden and besides, that was more of an unfair surprised attack by the enemy and we were obviously on a disadvantage! I wouldn't survived myself really if I couldn't fight by myself and.....I didn't expect I would be rescued by handsome looking princes around and that made me happy! *sigh***!"

" you want o be a damsel in distress? Hmm? Sounds like your risking more danger from wishful thinking than being practically safer to me"

"Not really, YOU REALLY wouldn't understand unless you're a girl like me, but at least I could cross that out now from the bucket list...but being rescued by royalty is something I wouldn't expect from a family of Crownguards like me. It kinda holds a special sentimental value if you know what I'm saying"

"It's just fate and coincidences, Luxanna" Oliver mutters "tales are tales, my little friend but relying too much on those fancy little fairy tales is something you don't want to expect everyone to follow about in real life and believe me, it's better to be more yourself than to be like somebody else"

"I know, Oliver, I know!" Luxanna responds exasperatedly into a calming matters "I just wanted to spend my last days of being young and feeling adventurous, this and that and I would regret it if things didn't get through accordingly in my way and there wouldn't be no another chances...right? I never got the moment I would be rescued by such a royal status like this I guess it's time for me to grow up afterall"

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