Part 5

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"Just something to think about." Namjoon commented. I just nodded a bit, getting back to eating my dessert.

"We'll you do have some free time now right? Why not come to Korea with us and take a look a bighit then. Even if you decide not to sign it can still be a fun break right?" Jin explained.

It took a little more convincing for me to agree but when each member had chimed in once or twice about how it would work, I finally let my guard down and said I'm come if it wouldn't be too much hassle, anyway I could always just fly commercial.
The idea quickly leaving once I heard Jin's complaints and insistence I fly with them.

"Thank you for paying." I said quietly to Jungkook as we started heading out. "No problem Y/n-ah" he smiled before Taehyung popped up behind him, locking him in a headlock and goofing off, asking why he wouldn't pay for him and such. It made me smile and laugh a bit as the guys made it to the cars.

"Are you still staying at that hotel?" Yoongi asked while we hopped into an empty van. This time he was in the passenger seat and Hobi was driving. Looking to the side I could see Namjoon. I slightly wished Jin good luck with the three maknaes.

"Yeah I booked another night this morning, are all of you still staying there as well?" He nodded before closing his eyes and leaning his head on the window.

It was pretty late and the drive to the hotel was another almost forty minutes from the restaurant. Just the thought alone made me yawn.

"You can sleep for a while if you want, we'll wake you when we get there." Hoseok said as he took a glance in the rear view mirror.
Too tired to speak I just nodded and leaned to my right, already half asleep.
Just before I fell asleep completely I felt my head being pulled to the up and land onto something firm and warm. Snuggling into whatever it was I finally fell asleep.

"Aw look at you two~" Hoseok teased the younger. Namjoon just rolled his eyes as he wrapped one arm around Y/n, to keep her from moving around too much in her sleep.
"I just didn't want her to get a sore neck Hyung. Plus we're keeping eachother warm it's freezing in here." He complained.

"I can't do anything about it. The stupid ac is broken and on full blast. I'm surprised even Yoongi can fall asleep up here." He grumbled a bit, trying in vain to fix it again.

"I'm not." Yoongi muttered from the side. "It's too fucking cold." He instead grumbled out this time.

"I know-" Hoseok paused, slowing down a bit. "What's that up ahead?" He asked the two others.
Namjoon, unwilling to move and wake up Y/n was no help since it was too far to see on such a dark night, and Yoongi was confused.

Coming to a stop Hoseok rolled down his window as a tall blond male walked up to it. "Hey are you alright? Is that your car?" Hoseok asked, grateful he had been working so much on his English the past six months.
Y/n slowly stirred, pushing off of Namjoon while sitting up; waking to the sound of a strange voice and Hoseoks.
"Yeah... would one of you mind coming out to help? I need to put on a spare tire." The guy sent out a friendly smile, although a gleam in his eye caused Hoseok to pause.
It wasn't until Y/n realized what was happening that it clicked in.
"Sorry sir. We can call you a tow truck if you want." She said, wide awake and leaning towards the front, having taken her seatbelt off.
"Roll up the window so it's only slightly cracked open." She whispered to Hoseok who complied.
"What? Too good to help lady?? I don't want a tow truck I want a new tire on my truck!" He started to get agitated and Y/n knew she made the right call.
"Drive Hoseok" she said not so quietly, confused he started to slowly drive away, fully rolling up the window when the guy lost control and started to bang harshly on the door. Hoseok sped up just as the stranger yelled something over to his truck and a group of men rushed out, seeing a sleek black shine she yelled at Hoseok to hurry up, and only when they were a safe enough distance did she turn back and recognize the small handgun pointed at the car, debating if it would be worth it to shoot.

Luckily, he seemed to not want to waste a bullet and they drove out quickly.
"What the fuck was that-" Yoongi yelled- Namjoon on the phone to warn the other car to take the longer way around and to check in with them.

"It's a trap. How could you not recognize it?" Y/n exclaimed back, sitting down again and buckling her seat belt. "I thought- that stuff really happens??" Hoseok questioned, running on fumes and driving on auto pilot.
"Yeah.. it does.." Y/n said quietly.
"As long as everyone is alright that's what's important, I phoned Jin and they're gonna phone police to accompany them down that part- so they won't be at the hotel until much later." Namjoon explained tiredly.


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