Part 4

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I was almost finished packing when I realized that the three were still standing next to the door, slightly awkwardly. I finished up and put my bag on my shoulder, turning to them again.

"Did you need something?" I asked, mainly directing it to RM.
They all shared a brief glance with each other before shrugging. I knew they were close but seeing it in person, it looked like they read each others minds honestly.
"We actually wanted to invite you to dinner with us and some of our crew celebrating the Grammy nomination before we fly back to Korea tomorrow."
RM gracefully explained.

I'm sure my face looked hilarious after he finished, my mouth hung open in shock it took me a couple seconds to reply. I wanted to ask why they would bother inviting me but I knew the answers they would say.

I smiled at them and nodded. "Sure where is it?"

Jungkook spoke up next, "it'll be easier if you ride in one of our cars actually, you're free the rest of the day right?" We all started to walk out of the dressing room, on the way to meet the others before we drove off to wherever this was planned.

"Yeah I won't have anything booked until I can get a new manager." I shrugged it off.

Yoongi and Namjoon shared a quick glance at eachother before being bombarded by the other members.

"Ah hello Y/n!" A chorus of hellos filled the hall as Y/n politely said hello and bowed slightly back to all of them.
"You're coming with us right?" Taehyung asked. Y/n just nodded in response as they all started walking out through a back exit, avoiding cameras and fans.

"You'll be riding with Jimin, Yoongi, and Jin. The rest of us will meet you there!" Hoseok explained, a smile never leaving his face.

"Do you know how long the drive will be? And if I get to know where we're going." He just smiled and sent her a wink before hopping in another van.

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully with a smile and followed the three others. Yoongi started to drive, as Jin sat upfront and her and Jimin sat beside eachother in the back. These cars were a little smaller than BTS was used to but they'd made it work.

"Y/n-ah are you sure you don't have a bias?" Jin joked from the front. Y/n groaned while the rest laughed, clearly amused.

"No no! I just didn't explain myself well." She pushed her face into her hands.

"Then explain now?" Yoongi bluntly said catching her off guard.

She took in a deep breath, right. Just explain while sitting next to Jimin, about how much you like his individual music projects.

"I think I listen to Jimin the most cause I relate to his music the best- I think that's the best way I could explain it." They all nodded.

"Which song is your favorite?" He asked curiously.

"Probably..Lie.." Y/n thought for a second.

"With Jin it's probably a tie between tonight and awake.. and Suga it's probably Dachetwita and Strange."

They all looked at eachother briefly. Most of those songs were a little heavy considering the wide selection each of the guys had of original music.

The car finally pulled into a small restaurant and everyone got out, heading in through the back and entering a private room.

"Where are the staff?" Y/n innocently asked. Jimin just chucked at her and sat down. She looked at him confused but followed, ending up sitting between Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Y/n-ah how old are you?" Jungkook asked before being smacked on the head by Jin. Y/n just laughed

"I'm the same age as J-hope, but he's born.. I think a month before me?" She turned to him to double check, and she was right.

"Aish do we have to call you noona now?" Taehyung complained. Y/n immediately shook her head.

"Please never call me that- it makes me sound old." She dramatically shuddered at the thought, causing the table to burst into fits of laughter.

Everyone joined in conversation around the table, talking about the Grammys, the performances of all the artists and about what they all had planned next.

"I think I'll take a few days off before trying to find a new manager. The last few days have been hectic." Y/n thought aloud as they all finished up eating the main course and moved onto dessert.

"What happened with your old one?" Jin asked taking another bite of food.

"Ah she and I had some disagreements. She thinks I'm a liability so she quit, said she had to think about her other clients." I shrugged dejectedly. "She was really organized too, she did a good job."

"Liability? Isn't that a concern for anyone in the industry..." Yoongi commented. I just shrugged, not really knowing.

"It's fine. Any chance you guys have any recommendations?" I lightly joked, taking a small bite of food. Taehyung wore a big grin as he almost shouted.
"Oh what about BigHit? You could be an idol!" Jungkook nodded but I almost choked. Sending a grateful smile to Hoseok who patted my back to help.

"Ah you're forgetting that idols train before debut. Plus I'm sure BigHit wouldn't want me." I shook my head lightly.
If I could turn back time I would definitely stay in Korea and try to become an idol, I'd love to have a group to share in happy moments with. But I knew it was too late for that.

"No they've been looking to sign on some new artists, and I'm sure once they find out you need a manager they'd love to work with you." Namjoon said thinking it over briefly.

"I don't know.." I said torn, half of me wanted to try but the other half was scared that this could be a real option.

"Why not? I mean there's nothing to loose right?" Yoongi spoke up across from me. I shrugged.

"You really think they'd consider signing me on?" I asked looking around at the seven artists who I admired. I saw them all send me smiles, and nods or thumbs up.

"Y/n you literally just won a Grammy. They'd be stupid not to." Jimin said laughing a bit. Nodding I just blushed a bit and looked down.

I didnt really want to bring up the Grammy, especially when talking about my now ex-manager.

BTS - Grammys Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt