Chapter three

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The next morning, the family and Poo ate some breakfast before Poo gathers his weapons and says, "Thank you all for your hospitality. I don't know how to thank you. Oh, how about I give you my balls?" Eva grew nervous and says, "O-oh no, we're ok-" Poo already took out two identical stone orbs before giving them to Flopin and Elely. Both children gaze at the orbs amazed before Poo says, "I also have a trick to show you." Dally was surprised and wants Poo to show off his trick while Adamai sees the two orbs beginning to glow, making him aware but before he could tell Dally, his eyes widen upon seeing Poo jump up and slams Dally hard to the ground, paralyzing Dally. "Dally!" Adamai yells, but heard the childrens' scream and turns to find them being held from the orbs and Eva being held hostage from a lady in green and black while holding a green blade on Eva's throat.

Dally was trying to get up before Adamai glared at Poo before asking, "What is the meaning of this?" Poo say on the table and says, "My apologies, but the only reason why I came here was for Percedal's children. They're going to be the next demigods sooner or later. It's best if you stay out of our way-" Without letting him finish, Adamai appeared right in front of him with his inhuman speed, and slams him off with his tail, sending Poo through the wall. He grabs the two orbs with his hands and crushed them, freeing the kids while Eva head butted the lady holding her. Dally finally gets up after before he and Adamai went to take down Poo outside. Toxine also tried to attack, but Eva caught her off guard by shooting arrows at her, making her dodge those arrows. The arrows cause damage in the house before Eva and the kids rush outside to see Adamai and Dally knocked back by Poo.

Poo was about to finish them off before a voice yells, "Enough, Poo. You caused too much damage already." Poo grew scared and says, "Wait, let me handle this!" The same voice yells, "Enough! I'll handle this myself." Just then, a huge tree was thrown towards Dally and Adamai, which the two quickly avoided. Then, multiple trees came raining down at them and they had to avoid all of them before landing onto the snow. Eva, Flopin and Elely ran over to check if they're ok before looking up.

Dally and Adamai also looked up, to see a feminine/masculine figure standing on one of the trees. It has orange hair, wilderness gear, and was facing the other way. When the figure turned their head, it was none other than Dally's brother/sister, Y/N. Dally gasped as he and his family spoke in unison, "Y/N?!" Adamai looked at Y/N, shocked to see that she/he is back, but took note on their blank expression with a hint of blue in their eyes before Dally gets up and says, "Ad, take Eva and the kids and get out of here fast!" Adamai looks at Dally and says, "But Dally-" "NOW!" Dally snapped. Adamai can't argue back, so he did as told and held Eva and the kids before teleporting away. Dally and Y/N had a stare down for a moment.

"You're not going to like this, brother, but we need to take your children. We have very big plans for them." Y/N spoke before Dally clenched his fists and says, "Oh yeah? Well then I have a bigger plan for you: making sure you don't ever touch my family!" He then leaps onto the trees towards Y/N and swings his fist at him/her, but a barrier covered up Y/N from getting hit. Y/N raised their hand and swipes Dally down hard to the snow. Y/N then teleported away, before bringing back Eva, Flopin, Elely and Adamai as Poo mutters, "Show-off..." Adamai processed that before taking a good look at a bracelet Y/N was wearing on their wrist, shocked to see that the orbs on the bracelet was the six Eliatrope Dofus as he says, "Those are...the six Eliatrope Dofus!" Y/N heard and shows them their bracelet and says, "Yeah, these really gave my powers a boost."

Dally was recovering before saying, "But Goultard was guarding them." Y/N looks at their brother and says, "Yes, it wasn't easy getting these from him." Adamai spoke, "He's an Iop god, you can't have beaten him!" Y/N smirked a bit and admits, "I may have cheated a little." Eva got up and says, "Y/N, I don't know what's happen to you, but we can figure this out." Y/N gave Eva a hard slap, making her fall to the ground as both Flopin and Elely yells, "Mom!" Adamai was shocked by that while Dally has an angry look on his face before Y/N says, "I've always wanted to do that. Honestly brother, I don't know how you can stand her."

[Visions...or Memories?] Wakfu - Adamai x Percedal Dally' sister/brother ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now