ch 5.

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Back to present

Y/N was talking to her bff Anvi on a phone call while making dinner.

Y/n : hey Anvi , how are you ?

Anvi : Good bro ! What about you ?
And how's your mom ?

Y/n : i'm as good as always , but mom is not that great I was just talking to the doctor yesterday, her treatment is going to cost us a good fortune babe , but i'll work as hard as I can cuz she's the only family I have .

Anvi : babe , you're the best I know you'll manage but look, do not hesitate to ask me for help , I know i'll not be of much help but still i'll do whatever I can.

Y/n : leave this emotional talk and tell me about your day , I heard that boss tried to flirt with you again ?

Anvi : srsly bro ! Can you believe?? That old man , he was asking me to meet him in a hotel ..... Like wtf ..

Y/n : I never knew you were into sugar daddy thing 😂...

Anvi : bitch shutup 😐 , I cant even leave this job cuz of my financial conditions but y/n you're doing this job for past 2 years has he never tried to make a move on you ???

Y/n : ofcourse he did , he does that to every female staf there but I just ignore him , you just joined last month so a piece of advice from me is to ignore him and he'll move to someone else ..

Anvi : Yes mam !!

Y/n : okay bye , i need to focus on cooking I almost burnt it cuz of you ..

Anvi : bye maaaam !!!

A/n pov

Y/n put her phone down on the kitchen slab of her 1 room, kitchen and bathroom flat .
Nothing fancy about her house just some decoration that y/n made on her own and enough things for two people to survive.

Y/n just completed cooking dinner as the doorbell rings

Y/n pov

*ding dong*

"Coming! ! "

Y/n's mom came back from grocery shopping.

"i'm sorry darling,  everything was so expensive I could only buy these potatoes" said her mom as soon as she opened the door.

"Mom , it's fine I like potatoes. look you can cook them in any flavour and they taste good and they're available in all seasons . sometimes I think i'm a potato too... What you you think ?? " y/n said looking at her mom .

Her mom smiled at how her child grew up to be such an angel , never sharing her problem, never complaining or asking for anything . her eyes became teary .

Y/n frowned when she saw her mother crying.  " Mom , what's wrong did something happened? "

" if I was not illiterate,  I could've given you a better life right? " said her mom.

" mom.. Whatever you've given me and what you'll give me in the future is the best ,i'm the luckiest daughter in the world. Now, enough of this melodrama old beautiful lady ! I'm hungry let's have dinner and when i'll get my salary i'll buy you something delicious,  so stop crying over these potatoes " said Y/n with all the over acting in the world .

Her mom chuckled. "Yeah yeah .. Sure "

# In the morning #

Y/n woke up early to make breakfast,  she tries her best to not let her mom work alot  but a lil bit of moving is good for her health that's why y/n does all the house chorus and her mom sometimes helps her.


Mom is still sleeping.  " mom wake up,  i'm leaving for work so do your breakfast and if you feel sick don't go to work today , byee mom . and yeah , don't forget to take your Medicine on time. i'll call you later byee !!! "

I left the house , it'll take me half an hour by walk so i'll just walk to work I can't  waste money on transport so casually. And I can keep my self healthy since walking is an exercise ;)

I reached to work and saw Anvi , we did a quick side hug and started with our work ,we are bot waitresses in this indian restaurant,  this restaurant is quite famous in this area since it's the only 5 star restaurant with only indian manu in this locality.

I reached home at night and did the cooking, mom was out on a walk .

Jungkook's Pov

"Hyung are you coming or not ? " Jungkook asked on the phone .

" yeah , i'm  free for sometime so I can come " said suga

" great then we'll be leaving tomorrow morning " said JK .

I'm so tired , i'll sleep after finishing this file .

A/n pov

# next morning #

Their private jet landed in India around 10 am . they got out of the plane and Mr. David followed them

Mr. David " sir this evening we have to meet the other party and tomorrow is the meeting,  if everything goes as expected we'll finish the deal within 3 days after that you're free "

They got out of the airport and sat in their luxurious cars

Jungkook 's pov

On our way to the hotel I was just looking outside of the window , "this country is so diverse and beautiful"
Said Jk.

"And hot too" said Suga closing his eyes
"Aish.. Hyung we didn't even reach the hotel yet ,don't sleep in the car I won't carry you " said jk in his deep cold voice

"Did you just 'Aish' me you brat ? Don't forget who's older here" said Suga glaring at Jungkook

"Yeah whatever " said jk .

Suga's pov

I swear he's the only one who can show me attitude,  if it was someone else I would not hesitate to kill them.

But he's like my younger brother , i've seen him grow up , at first I found him annoying but now he's everything I have and i'll never let anyone hurt him .

Jungkook , my younger brother from another mother .

I smiled and went back to sleep

Jungkook pov

Weird ... He's smiling in his sleep..

a/n pov

After 3 days Jungkook was done with all his official work and Suga just sleeping. .

He decided he's going to start exploring now ....

A/n's note : they're going to meet in next chap guyzzzzzz 😘

Red Thread Of Fate (Jeon Jungkook × Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz