The man who made the horn

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"You really don't know what you are getting into dearie," Krampus tells me coming out of his surprise at me advancing on him and staring him in the face. No one would dare go up at him like this but I am desperate.

"I will take my chances thanks. Now, who. Is. He?" I ask taking a cinnamon roll stick out. Krampus's nose twitches and he looks down gasping.

"You...naughty girl," Krampus smirks at me with red eyes gleaming. I hold no expression on my face showing I am serious. His smirk dims down and sighs. "Fine but remember you asked for it and we warned you. the man lives in a cave down the mountain. He doesn't take kindly to visitors but one way to ease his anger is to give him Sugarcubes and sugar plums. It is his favorite snack and North made sure to keep any of those things from him."


"The sugar gives him an added surge of energy and can increase his magic by ten. please, Starlight, don't go. The sugar will only drive him to pound into you all night."

"That will be my problem to deal with. What else?" He sighs and glances to his left. I look as well and find Jack and Manny staring at me.

"Love, don't go." If manny says it then I probably will need a weapon to keep this guy off me.

"He is right. Please don't do this. Just spend three nights with us and the curse will go away. We won't fuck you too much. Please don't go." 

"I ain't spending three nights with you three even if it is the last resort. I am saving the north pole tonight and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me." I turn to look at Krampus with his ears flat down and..oh my god, he is giving me puppy dog eyes. "Real mature goat boy."

"I tried. Just be careful, there is nothing else that you need to know." He sighs.

"Hmhm, I will be back." I go into the house to get into warmer clothes and some tall boots to keep the snow from freezing my feet. Nick is nowhere to be seen except for a letter. 

'Dear miss starlight, thank you for jerking me off. Sorry I could not convince you from going to the man who made the horn. Use the trident on your dining room table to protect yourself. The wand will also save you as last resort. Good luck, Nick.'

I walk to my dining room table and find a gold wand with a garnet gem. A gold trident gleaming with white and red candy cane stripes. Grabbing both and placing them in their corresponding holsters, I leave the house and begin walking down the mountain.

"Please don't go Starlight!" Jack calls to me.

I ignore him and pause going to the barn. I know how deep and dangerous going down a mountain is. I need a reindeer for a faster ride. 

"No! Starlight, don't wake them!" Manny this time warns me.

Why can't they have some confidence in my abilities? I know how dangerous they can be but they would never hurt me, I hope. Opening the barn door, I look at the still-sleeping reindeer. I look over each one and choose the one I need. Gulping I grab the red reins off of Comet hook in his stall. Taking soft footsteps, I tiptoe to the light-furred reindeer with a dark brown head. Slowly putting on the red reins around his muzzle, I pause when he groans but remains asleep. Sighing, I go over to the saddles and grab the black leather and gold trimmings. Grabbing a small bag of gold Christmas dust, I walk to the animal. 

The Christmas gold dust is to calm the reindeer down if they get enraged or something. It never was used but once with Dasher when he became Santa's first reindeer. I use my wand to levitate the big fella in the air so I may put the saddle on him. I did consider leaving the reindeer and using my wand to fly to the cave but the magic can drain me faster considering I haven't used Christmas magic much. I also am a simple human, I don't have that magic edge like the other Christmas figures at the North Pole.

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