A dirty horn

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I crunch my boots in the snow and trudge through it like a plow. Crossing my arms to keep myself warm from the biting wind, I am finally at the stable. Grabbing the cold black steel handle, pulling it with all my might, and slipping in quickly.

I turn around and see something really scary. All the stables have been closed shut firmly with chains and bars. Stomping hooves and banging against the oak wood, Reindeer left and right are snarling.

"Open up this door, Zack," Blitzen gruffly exclaims just to my right. Two big thumps land on the wood and if I didn't know how strong that wood was then my heart would be returning to be outside then in here.

"Your head is going to be mantle on my antler, you little elfling. Let me out." A frustrated and rather guttural Dasher bangs into the door on my left.

I move further in slowly and keep myself in the middle. I may know that oak is the strongest wood these big reindeer can't break but it doesn't calm my beating heart and flight instincts that are ready to jet at any given moment. Reindeer in stories sound very kind and gentle but in reality, they are ferocious and can bite one's arm off as if it were a wolf chomping on a steak.

I don't say anything knowing if the creatures hear me, a female, this wretched curse will move onto them and they might just bust the whole stable down to get to me. My brother took me once to where rabid dogs are kept and I have seen what those breeding black marketers do. The males are all in horny rage, they don't care if it is human or animal they fuck, as long as they get their horny rage to pass, they ravage any female in their wake.

This time it is giant hooves that can break bones with one stomp and teeth that can clamp on your flesh and pull it off. Reindeer are beautiful but the scariest animals on the equal side of wolves.

"Do you smell that boys?" the fierce voice of Vixen calls out to the others. My body freezes and my skin pales, eyes wide when I the animals sniffing the air. Oh no! I know for certain I am not in heat or horny but I am a female and these animals know the difference between sexes. 

"Starlight? Is that you?" Smoky soft Cupid teasingly ask from my right.

"Oh that is her boys." My eyes flick up to the end of the stable and see Krampus siting in their hay, twirling his tail in his big rough hand, eyes sparkling with mischief and a wild smirk on display from his lips. He had to say that!

Thump. Slam. Screech.

The reindeers begin to claw and bang into their stalls with new full force and my heart nearly gives out when I hear the wood from Dasher stall creak. That is so not good. I rush over to the pile of hay in case those doors do get bashed open. I don't want to get squashed or flattened the first night of being at the Pole.

"Krampus, lovely seeing you again," I say with a silvery voice. My voice may be alluring but my eyes and tense body isn't anything but scared.

"Likewise and it seems every time I see you, you become much more dazzling." The goat male that is ten feet tall bounces his propped leg up and down as the slamming of the stall doors lessens but still is being kicked and bashed.

"You always are the same mischief goat I see." I snark at him glancing down at his furry body on display like a model. "You probably know why I am here."

"I hope it is to quench these horny beasts." Krampus's amused tone lures a smirk on his face to rising, showing his bright white teeth and two fangs.

"I am not a bitch thank you very much." I snap annoyed he would think I am here to cure them the nature way. I am not going to bend to these Reindeers and make them have my virginity.

"Hm, well then how are we to help them and the elves." The mention of elves gains my full attention, the bashing anger of the reindeer's weaves back for a moment.

"How are the elves?" I ask wanting to know what the big red man planned for me.

"The females left to a secret place to save themselves from being raped by the males. The males right now," He lifts a black pocket watch glancing at the time. "Would be jacking each other off."

The thought of million of males just jerking each other off in frenzy nearly makes me nauseous. The thoughtful images of tiny dick get some bile to rise in my throat. That is not an okay factor, especially being the new leader in this situation.

"Well, do you know how this came to be?" I ask, leaning on my hands on my knees to keep my dinner in my stomach. I can not throw up, not now not in front of Krampus. I already feel embarrassed about being surrounded by horny animals and males but throwing up, no thatis not happening.

Chuckling a throat laugh he looks up at me. "I did this." I turn my head so fast, I thought it would roll-off.

"How could you?" I exclaim over the bashing of hooves against the wood that now is groaning with how many times its been hit.

"In my defense, it is a new object I found and like all curious minds, I used it." Krampus reaches behind his white furry back and pulls out a gold horn. On the thick end of it has red inscription on it. I reach my hand out slowly.

"May I see it?" I ask the big goat who still has a grin on his face.

"Sure. it is not like you can do anything about it. Even I tried breaking it but nothing." I hold the sleek gold horn in my hand and tilting my head to the left, I read the inscription.

"He who holers is he who pleads for a pleasurable night for eternity." I read out loud. That has got to be some weird shit right there. "Do you know what it means?"

"No and who cares, this is quite the fun show." Krampus laughs again this time throwing his head back. I roll my eyes at the male lying on the food Reindeers eat.

"For a tall goatman who loves to kill and be wicked, you sure act like a child sometimes," I tell him with a deadpan look.

"I eat children love and besides, this is so much more fun." He heaves himself up on his two hooves, they clack on the stone floor. "Shall we let them out?"

"No, we shall not!" I gasp at him thinking such a thing.

"Hey, you two. Woah, Starlight, you look hot, shall I cool you off?" I groan when the cockiest man in the winter wonderland comes flying in through the window.

"Please stop you two. This is serious and you two are supposed to help me solve this problem, not make it more annoying." I scold at them, flopping my arms down almost like a child in a grumpy whiny mood.

"Sorry mother, what shall we do?" Jack Fucking Frost teases sitting on the window sill.

"That is not funny. First, let us get out of here before they do get loose. We are heading to the library to find out what this is." I lift the horn to enunciate my point and then stomp off to the entrance door.

"Starlight, open this door. I really want to ride on you-ride with you!" Prancer begs stomping on the floor making it shake slightly.

"Sorry boys, not tonight and not with that tone you used. Calm down and then I might let you out." I tell the Reindeers and then head out to the library with Krampus and Jack following grinning at each other.

I am so not going to like this. At All.

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