King's Tide

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[King wakes up and finds himself again in the In Between Realm, overhearing a conversation between Belos and the Collector.]

The Collector: But-- But you said. You said you'd let me out! [Whining.] I hate it here!

Belos: Just a little longer. We have to wait 'till after the Draining Spell.

[King floats over to the source of the voices and watches them from behind a pillar. The Collector is trapped in a mysterious floating orb, while Belos is speaking from a small round piece of glass floating nearby.]

The Collector: [Assertive.] You better not be fibbing. You pinky-swore me.

Emperor Belos: Patience, Collector, you can trust me. [King scoffs at this.]

The Collector: Hm? Who's there?!

[King wakes up in Willow's lap, breathing heavily.]

Willow: [Calmly.] It's okay, King, it's okay.

[King, Willow, Alador, Amity, Gus, Lena, and Hunter are all aboard the airship from last episode. Amity is worriedly pacing back and forth, Gus is inspecting his power amplifier, and four of the gang's palismen are huddled in a shaking pile. Hunter does various adjustments to the air ship to help steer it.]

Alador: [Irritated.] I know how to fly a ship.

Amity: [Frantic.] Then fly faster! We're barely halfway there. Luz could be in trouble!

Hunter: Maybe if I took the wheel...

Alador: [Suspiciously.] Very eager to return to Belos, eh, Golden Guard?

Hunter: At least I've never built him an army!

Alador: [Angrily.] Watch your tone with me, young man.

Lena: Hey! He doesn't go by that anymore!

Alador: Watch your tone too young lady.

[Alador lets go of the steering wheel, causing the ship to tilt and Gus to fall out of his seat.]

Gus: [Annoyed.] Hey, here's a bright idea: don't distract the pilot!

Hunter: He started it!

[Alador, Lena, Hunter, Gus, and Amity all start yelling at each other angrily. King and Willow watch sadly from the back of the ship.]

King: I can't believe she's gonna face Belos alone this time. 

Lena: Yeah! Without her twin sister!

King: And I'm powerless to help her. We can't even manage to help each other.

[Willow lifts up Clover, and nods to her. Clover chirps and flies over to where the other palismen are. The palismen push a box of cheeses, bread, and apples over to the arguing witches, interrupting their fighting. Gus' stomach growls.]

 Ghost: Meow!

Amity: Look, we're all exhausted and terrified. Let's focus our energy on helping Luz instead of fighting each other.

Lena: Amity is right!

[Everyone nods. They all take a snack from the box. Gus fist bumps Hunter as an apology. Alador then gestures Hunter to steer the wheel with a sincere smile. To the side, Amity is rubbing her hands together from the cold, but Alador summons Abomination goo to cover her hands. He sits down next to her.]

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