Once Upon A Performance

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(This episode takes place during 'Once Upon A Body Swap.' Lena won't be affected by the body swap spell because she'll be performing a new song she wrote. But, she will use her silver magic to swap Luz, Eda, and King back in their original bodies. It will feature 'Smile'. But, Lena will sing with some different lyrics.)

[Open on Eda's human collectables stand in the market. King is jumping on the table, trying to grab a flag hanging above him.]

King: Weh! [Falls off the table.] Stupid flag!

[ Luz walks in carrying a ladder and a wooden sign.]

Luz: It's been a little slow around here, but I've got just the thing to attract customers.

[She puts the wooden sign on top of the "HUMAN COLLECTABLES" sign and taps it, activating the light glyphs carved into it.]

Luz: And who doesn't like their name in lights?

[Fully illuminated, a winking face of Eda appears.]

Luz: Is it too subtle?

Boscha: Does subtle mean ugly?

[Boscha, Skara, and an Oracle track student are standing at the stand.]

Luz: Hi, Boscha! ! See anything you like?

Boscha: Ew! No. I'm just here to take an ironic next to your weird flashing trash sign.

[She summons her scroll and takes several pictures.]

Luz: It's not funny, Boscha.

Boscha: What are you going to do? Spit your venom on me?

King: You have venom? Quick, Luz, start melting faces!

Luz: [Kneels down.] Even if I could, it's not worth it. You wouldn't understand how to handle teens like her.

[Meanwhile, Lena was backstage in her purple pop star outfit ready for her new song.]

Lena: Okay. I'm almost ready. Golden Stranger, I hope you'll be watching this. This song is just for you.

[Meanwhile with Luz and King.]

King: [Grabs her hood.] No, I'll show you what to do. [Grunts, jumps onto the table.] You will tremble before me!

[The three teens stare at him.]

Boscha: Oh, he's so cute!

[She hugs King and summons her scroll, taking a picture with a filter.]

King: Weh! [Shoves her face.]

Boscha: How much? I have to own him.

King: [Frees himself.] You couldn't afford me, sister!

All: Aw!

King: That's the incorrect reaction!

Eda: [Sniffs.] I smell an easy mark. [Jumps out of the tent.] Hey, kid! Can I offer you the latest fashions from... [ Magically dresses herself in horribly clashing clothes.] the human realm?

Boscha: Yeah, no.

[Skara and the Oracle track student laugh as the three of them leave.]

Eda: Well, [Returns to her normal outfit.] I hate her.

Luz: Yeah, teens can be sour, but I'm a little sweetie. Look what I made you!

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