Through the Looking Glass Ruins

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[Open on Gus sitting in the hallways of Hexside, his head buried in his arms. Luz and Lena walk up to him.]

Luz: Hey, Gus. You okay?

Lena: What's wrong?

Gus: I—I messed up bad, Luz. Lena.  Willow just needed help with this pixie problem, right? So I thought, oh, that I'll lure them away with an illusion. But then...

Luz: That angered the pixies, and they attacked Willow. I heard.

Lena: Oh. That's what's wrong.

Gus: I moved up two grades. What's the point of being good at this if I can't do anything good with it?

Luz: It was an honest mistake. Besides, Willow's tough as nails. I'm sure you'll both be feeling better tomorrow.

Lena: Luz is right Gus. It'll be alright.

[Cut to Gus laying on the floor of his bedroom, presumably tomorrow. He groans.]

-Theme Song-

[Camera shows off Gus's bedroom. His crystal ball caws and beeps. It shows a prerecorded message of King.]

King: [On recording.] I'm not reading this.

Gus: [On recording, offscreen.] Come on, King. Please?

King: Ugh, fine. [Clears throat.] Is that a six-footed pig or a floating appendage? Why, no! [Gus, wearing a cape, hops on screen.] It's Gus the Illusion Master. Please leave a message.

[The video turns to Willow, her arm in a cast.]

Willow: [On recording.] Hey, Gus. Thanks for sending me all those "Get well soon" illusions but, uh...

[Three tiny illusions of Gus jump onto her shoulders and head.]

Illusion Gus #1: Willow! How are you feeling? Do you have a fever?

Illusion Gus #2: Willow, you want me to sing for you? Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi...

Illusion Gus #3: Willow, is this helping?

Willow: Can you please take them back?

[Gus groans. The crystal ball shuts off. Gus rolls onto his stomach and traces a , summoning his illusion to stand in front of him.]

Illusion Gus #1: Where's Willow?

Illusion Gus #2: Why are we here?

Illusion Gus #3: Did we do bad?

[Gus blows the illusions away. Someone knocks on a door. Cut to Gus opening the front door to find Luz and Lena.]

Luz: [Raises fists.] Gustopher! [Finger points.] Gusteban! [Leans on the doorframe.] Augustabeth! Any of those working for you?

Gus: You need my library card to visit Amity, don't you?

Lena: Exactly what I was thinking.

Gus: How do you know?

Lena: I can read people's minds.

Luz: [Laughs self-consciously.] I haven't been doing a good job of hiding that, huh?

[Gus shakes his head.]

Luz: Well, I was also hoping to do a little bit of... research! Come on! [Drags Gus away.]

Lena: I'm coming!

[Gus screams. Cut to Luz, Lena, and Gus walking through the streets of .]

Luz: So, Eda's mom told us we're not the first humans to have lived in Bonesborough. 

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