2.Looking for Tommy

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I was looking everywhere for Tommy when I thought where would a boy go who loves baseball.

then it hit me I thought of that old ball field and I saw a guy with black thick glasses and a black baseball cap on and said."Um... excuse me!" I said.

He turned around looking at me and I spoke. "where would a boy go who loved baseball?"

Then the funniest thing happened he grinned at me so wide I could see his front teeth and said.

"well, maybe the sandlot just turns a right and keep going straight and you'll be their good luck!"

I said goodbye to this city and went right around the corner and straight down an alley and then I saw eight boys on the field crowding around something and I parked my bike and got a little closer to overhear of what they should do with "it"

"How far did he skid." one boy asked
"Four... Five..." one boy started counting walking from "it" to a bike on the ground. "He looks bad." another one added."we should do something."

"Yeah kick him!"Another boy laughed
"see if he's faking it." I shook my head at what he said. 

"kick him are you nuts." a boy added."yeah nuts, Good idea. A kick in the family jewels, excellent fake breaker.that should wake him up." the big one added.

"Bad idea on so many levels! As a medical procedure, I think kicking is way down on the list of prescribed remedies." now that kid knows his stuff I thought.

"Got any good ideas Q?"
Then they started arguing about who was captain so I butted in. "Um... excuse me!" They all looked at me but one smirked.

I continued by saying. "Have any of you seen Tommy?" "Looking for your boyfriend, gorgeous?" one of them asked. I roll my eyes "no, my brother."

"Is this him?" I walked into their circle and saw Tommy.

"What happened to him!!" I shout as I put my head to his chest good thing he's still breathing I thought."what did you guys do!"

"He got hit on the head, see the bump."
Then I hear a groan which I hoped was Tommy's and turned.

"Let's ask him a question everyone knows, see if he's ok?" one kid said. "who is the greatest baseball player of all time?"

"I am!" We all said what, I pitched in. I mean Tommy has only been playing for 4yrs. and he thinks he's the greatest.

but after that, he faints again. Then I hear a cop running over to us."Step back kids I'm qualified for this situation, now who started it."

Then all the boys pointed to my brother, I got up and stood by the kid who was actually kinda cute. "Alright warn yourselves I'm going in."

He was going to do mouth to mouth CPR we all said "eww..." and I did not expect me to do this, but I put my head in the cute kids chest and he was warm but good thing my brother woke up and screamed as I let go of the kid who just smirked.

"what's going on." then the cop spoke. "alright kids give him some air." the officer yelled.

"what happened?"

"He took a fly ball to the forehead sorry uncle chops." the big one said.

"It would have been a triple too if he hadn't screwed it up." a boy said then everyone followed up with shut ups.

"You guys should be more careful." I add. "he probably has a concussion now thanks to you guys!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Are we going to have a situation here?"

"No..." I answered.

"Cause we do not want a situation do we huh?" Everyone mumbled "no"

"Good.whats your name kid?"

"That kid is Tommy Santorelli," I answer.
"Who you calling kid, Tubs!" He looked at the officer then at me."Allie?"

"Is that any way to talk to an officer of the law?" The officer questioned.

"Where's my PDA?"
"My Blackberry!?" He asked furiously

The officer looked around then grabbed the big ones snow cone "Hey that's mine!" He said defensively "and it's not blackberries it's a strawberry banana!"

"Ooh really I love strawberry banana." he then takes a bite."hey!" I chuckle a little.

"I think they're those new kids that moved on Glen View Road." one kid adds. I grin "That's us."

"What are you talking about? I live in Beverly Hills, and Allie here probably lives who knows where! I haven't seen her in years! And what's with this constant kid crap!which one of you jacked my phone! I need to call my agent. and don't even think about autographs!"

"Why would we want your autograph?" Several kids complained. That's it, my brother is officially insane.

Tommy looks away for a second then back to us. "1976..." he then picked up the officers shades and looked at his reflection." what's going on?" He says before he faints yet again.

"Yep, we have a situation here." the officer says.

"No kidding." I wonder what's wrong with him.

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