Chapter 29: Light in the Corolla

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The female heaved a sigh before pulling down her hood. This gave me a better view at how she looked. She looked elderly now which made sense since at the time we first met, she wasn't young either. I could guess she was around her..70s? Though for someone to be that old, she still seemed strong as a Youth.

A frown was stuck on her face as she stared at me before holding her head.

"Alot of things are surprising me lately... It's getting hard on this old lady" she said gently as Alice heaved a sigh of relief; happy the earlier scene had died down.

"What's a creature like you doing here anyway. I thought you'd be up and about killing who ever you pleased." She said which caused a growl from me.

She was provoking me. I could tell from the sly smirk she gave right after. For an old lady, she sure had a fowl mouth. That being said, she wasn't going to be off the hook that easily.

"That's my problem to deal with. That being said, tired of cutting down innocents for your so called cause? " I said closing my eyes for a few seconds then opening my right to see her reaction.

As expected, her smirk had changed to a frown before she turned away and began to walk towards the door.

"What... Am not wrong now Am I? Or would you do the same to Mrs Alice here who is housing and protecting an infected?" I smirked as she stopped before clenching her fists.

"Watch you tongue infected.... Or it will be the end of you." She said as she walked out of the lab, leaving Grr, Alice and I in silence.

"Heh.... What an annoying old hag." I cursed before Grr came towards me and flicked my forehead

"H-hey! What was that for?!" I growled as she crossed her arms a bit un-happy.

"That was a bit rude don't you think soulen..? And I think she was just trying to get you angry with what she said.." Alice spoke as I heaved a sigh and crossed my arms.

"....she was saying the truth though" I began as alice blinked in confusion.

"... remember when I told you my backstory of how I became this and what had been happening? Yeah I didn't mention a few things..." I continued as both eyes glowed blue slightly.

"....for four years ago.... I could be called nothing more than an advanced mutant. I lead a horse of infecteds and killed thousands of humans..." I said softly as the silence filled the room.

"...for four years, I lost my sense of reasoning, my sight of reality and knew nothing more than to kill and keep killing with the three revenants I ever made, which was the three that priest killed as humans.... That was my infection days..." I said before smiling a bit.

"I nearly killed a good friend of mine that day...... It's a memory I can't forget..." I said covering my left eye and staring up to the ceiling.

The memories of four years ago started flooding my mind, the killings, the blood, the maniacal laughs I gave..and the fight with Cassei in one of the blade hunter's bases. It wasn't something I wanted to remember yet I couldn't forget it no matter how I tried.

Grr smiled and hugged me a bit as snapped back from my thoughts.

"..I'm...I'm sorry." Alice said as I smiled and shook my head.

"Don't worry about it. That aside though, shouldn't you start your experiments on me?" I asked as her eyes lit up quickly in excitement.

"A-ah yes. Yes yes, one moment please let me set things up." She said as she quickly got up and prepared. At least that would get her mind off my story.

Lifeafter; The era of the Revenants Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum