Chapter 22: Growth

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Rage, confusion and fear. All this emotions were directed at me and it filled me with both joy and pleasure. It all came from the man who caused my death or rather, lead to my death.
Vira who was above slowly panned down as the vines that were around her slowly moved around the mayors body.
He panicked a bit and even squealed at some point as I giggled gently.

"How does it feel to be infront of the girl you lead to her death?" I asked with a sadistic smile.

He didn't reply, instead he looked at me with fear as I leaned back up and straightened my posture on the desk I sat on.
My snow-white hair blew to the side. It was long now, way longer than how it was when I first turned to the monster I currently was.
My left eyes glowed gently as I got up and walked around the office before returning to the desk's front and crouched down infront of him.

"You caused quite a lot of trouble to a friend of mine... giving her ridiculous tasks and being unfair to her..." I started as he looked at me confused.

"What..? Don't tell me you forgot about camp bound now did you? The mayor you slapped?" I said as his eyes widened upon realization.

"W-wait?! You were there? H-how? How long have you been alive?!" He asked as the vines tightened around his leg; pain rising up from his lower body as I laughed gently.

"Since you left me to die... I somehow became reborn and now here I am... having the infected under my control..." I said with a small smile.

That wasn't a total lie but also wasn't the truth. At least the part of controlling the infected. I could only control my revenants after all. Actually, control was a wrong term to use. Rather they put their utmost loyalty to me. They were like slaves but with their own conscience and decisions which is to not betray me.

"I don't have much time to spend with the likes of you... but I do have something to say..." I began as I lifted his gaze with my finger below his chin.

"Treat Cassei and her people as well as other camp members you know well, fair and respectfully...." I said before grabbing his face and squeezing his head gently; his groans escaping his lips from the pain.

"....however, If you do otherwise.. your so called "Hope" of a town will be wiped out before the sun rises another I cleared?" I asked as he stayed quiet for a few seconds before nodding his head.

I slowly let go of his face as did the vines which slowly retracted back to Vira. I got up and walked towards the window as did my revenants before hearing the sound of fidgeting and two loud bang.

Two bullets were shot and they were directed at me. it stung... it stung like hell. But I wasn't going to loose face infront of him. If I was going to really make this sell I had to pretend that it didn't hurt.
A smile formed some seconds after though. Despite the hell of a pain from the bullets that had penetrated my back and shoulder, the bullets slowly dipped out and fell on the floor as the bullet hole slowly but eventually healed up.

"I-impossible... that is impossible.." he spoke as he crashed back down on the ground in disbelief. obviously not all infecteds could heal from a bullet shot

"I'll be watching Mr Justin.. I hope to not kill you, the town needs you after all.." I said slowly then laughed out before jumping out of the window and onto the roof as my revenants followed right after

We slowly made our way back to the front gate and made our way out without letting ourselves be exposed.
Once we got out, we walked a bit further till we were out of sight before appearing at the cave again.

"Finally.. that's done... man that gun shot hurt a lot....."
I said with a groan then small sigh before sitting on the ground.

Harold came towards me with a bitten hand. Probably from a mercenary from days before? Or maybe a normal survivor who knows. I grabbed it and tore into the skin before smiling a bit.

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