Chapter 2: Encounter

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A new day rose and the scream of an infected bolted me up from bed. I grabbed my 590M shotgun in hand as I rolled towards the wooden window and peered outside. Looking around, I saw the screamer, but it didn't notice me. So why did she scream then? I heaved a sigh as I dropped the shotgun before tapping the edge of the window gently while looking at the city ruins. I groaned a bit before weakly crawling to the tub again to have my shower then cleaned up and wore my outfit. I grabbed my guns and placed the shotgun on the side of my backpack while the Uzi was on my hip. Next, the wooden bat I crafted was resting on the other side of my hip. I grabbed a bottle of water and drank gently before stretching and climbing out the window.

"Another day outside my comfort zone," I said in a gentle word before holding the necklace my father gave me. A heart shape golden necklace.

"Watch over me father," I said holding it as I jumped from the railings to the roof and made my way to the military outpost.

It took an hour at best. Jumping and swinging from building roofs to lampposts to other objects I could grab on. I had to become athletic by force. If not, it would be hard to transverse this ruined city. Soon enough, I was a building away from the military outpost. I crouched down at the edge and surveyed the lower grounds.

Multiple infected but asleep. Some roamed the streets but most were asleep. The question now was, how do I get in? I looked around and saw a sofa on the ground then a zip line. This was dumb. Pulling out a metallic cloth hanger from my backpack, I went towards the zip line and placed it on the wire. I wore my backpack and took a deep breath before holding the ends of the metallic hanger.

"This.... is fucking dumb..." I said as I pushed myself off the edge and held for dear life.

It was hard to hold my scream back. I'd only done this once before and that was with my dad. It was very, very unsettling. Once I got close to the sofa, I removed the cloth hanger and fell.Luckily, I landed on it, but it did cause some noise and I had no time to wonder what was coming. I got up and ran up the side of the building till I got to a ledge. I pulled myself up and climbed to the roof before looking down at the zombies that growled and looked up at me.

"I am so glad they aren't the zombies from that game Shining lights 2.... that would have been very stressful."

I said gently before turning to look inside the compound. It looked awfully quiet which made me suspect that the infected may be asleep inside. I got down gently inside and looked around for anything I could use outside. I picked up some flowers that I had found out were poisonous from an... Earlier incident. And some berries that I didn't hesitate to eat.

I went into one of the open buildings and looked inside. It was the infirmary. I ran in and found some medic kits and some bandages which were very useful. I also found a syringe containing a fluid inside. The blue fluid was like a suppressor. We aren't infected but the air wasn't also friendly. This was a must find and I found 5 of them. It would be very useful later. The longer you stay outside the more of the infected air you breathe, the more you lose your sanity. This stabilizes it for a while.

After putting my prizes inside the bag, it was time to head into the armory.

I gently entered the main building and was greeted by sleeping beauties. The infected stood in place and slept but just because they are asleep doesn't mean they couldn't smell.I crept around does that were standing and silently took them out. Either cracking their necks or smashing them to the wall and using the bat to crush their heads. At least they weren't so sharp with sounds. Well, this type of infected wasn't.

Once the first room was cleared, I made my way into the first wing then into the second reception. This one saw me already so I had to stand my ground and take them out.The First one ran towards me, A runner. They were the most annoying. I jumped to my left and swung with the metal part of the bat piercing the skull of the zombie. I smashed it again before getting grabbed by another infected. Quickly reacting, I used my right elbow to shove it back before turning around and swinging at his head, his disfigured head flying off its body.With heavy breaths, I looked at the remaining three and took them out before resting in the destroyed counter to catch my breath.

"This.... is tiring..." I said out loud as I rested for a bit then made my way towards the armory.Soon enough, I arrived there only to meet the place in a broken mess. I bit my bottom lips and hoped at least something was still useful here.

I searched and searched. Only found an ammo crate and another bat that I didn't bother picking up.

I was looking for a better weapon this time. Just as I was about to give up, I saw a military crate and my eyes widened in excitement. I ran towards it and crouched before slowly opening it. Inside was a Tavor Assault Rifle which I picked up immediately to feel. It was a bit heavy but not too heavy to run and shoot. I also saw some grenades and a massive blade inside. My eyes glittered a bit when I saw the blade. It was massive and wide. A beautiful reflection from it as I pulled it out of the box. It was light but very sharp. Just from looking at the edge alone, it could cut almost anything.

"Fuck... I hit the jackpot today," I said in satisfaction as I closed the crate and held the blade in hand.

I placed everything else inside my bag, keeping the Uzi inside the backpack while having both the Tavor and 590M shotgun at the side of the bags. The wooden bat stayed on my left hip while the new blade stayed in hand. I walked out of the armory only to snap a hidden wire.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed as the buildings alarm rang out.

"Of all the things to be working it had to be the fucking alarm!" I cursed as I ran out to the open compound.

I stopped almost immediately when I saw the outpost gate burst open. My eyes widened in surprise as I looked around to see if I could find a way out.


....I was cornered...

"You... have got to be kidding right now..."

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